Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Comic Books As History Essay

Comic books have long been regarded as a genre of literature for the immature and the trivial. The graphic representation of a story at first glance provides a lightweight medium to carry a serious message. The utilization of two types of media, the written word and the graphic portrayal, serves as a conflict of messages, a breach in the unity of form. However, in Joseph Witek’s book entitled Comic Books as History, he provides case points and works where comic books have both the authority as well as the authenticity to suitably serve as a medium for portraying history. Who has the right to speak? When does the gap between art and life become so wide that fiction becomes a blasphemous lie? Witken p.38 These are the questions put forth by Author Joseph Witek in chapters 4 &5 of his Comic Books as History. The first, â€Å"who has the right to speak?† denotes an active search for a medium with authority to portray dark parts of history. And few events could be much darker than the Holocaust. The era of the rise of Hitler and the Nazis and their atrocities to the Jewish people beg the question of how to portray it. The revulsion of providing aesthetic description to an evil event stems from authors’ reticence in taking another people’s suffering as their own. And yet, if the alternative is silence, then future generations will be unable to see a representation of those dark days. If the silence were to endure, then no condemnation, sympathy, no regret, no emotion whatsoever would be imparted to those unaware.   Therefore, as Witek asserts, the alternative to silence is to speak out with a medium that resonates with both the authority to speak, and the authenticity to do so, which he implies in the second question â€Å"When does the gap between art and life become so wide that fiction becomes a blasphemous lie?†. In Art Spiegelman’s autobiographical comic Maus, the subject of the Holocaust and its survivors was taken up. To Witken, Spiegelman’s work is a credible medium to tackle the holocaust because he has the necessary authority and authenticity to do so.   The authority, Witken claims, comes from a â€Å"personal psychological necessity†. Maus for Spiegelman is a kind of therapy, a way to comprehend his own history, both as a person and as a Jew. The comic becomes a way to breach a gap produced by the Holocaust, a distance between the Jews who experienced, and those who did not. This is evident in the portrayal of the interactions between Art and his Father Vladek, most noticeably in the scene showing making of Maus. The interactions show transference of the pain, the pain of the Holocaust to the father, and as a result, shaping the father to a being that brings emotional pain to the son. In a scene in the Prisoner on the Hell Planet, the story of Spiegelman’s mental anguish as a result of his mother is portrayed. Spiegelman feels that the emotion he feels from his parents is caused by their experiences in the holocaust and yet, he is unable to understand how those experiences shaped their person. Thus, in a way, the Maus was written to provide an understanding of knowledge just present at the back of the minds of the generation of Jews after the Holocaust. A generation, who like Spiegelman, won’t be content with just silence. To successfully portray history, the accuracy of the details is not enough to attain authenticity. The inclusion of every emotion felt, and every though, as well as their representation. And it is in this representation that Spiegelman defends his use of animals instead of people. In order to pass through the authentic message, the use of people would inevitably show a false image, but in using animals, Spiegelman portrayed the emotions as they are, not as people show them to be. This is evident in the dialogue of Art trying to draw his wife. The use of animals is limited to just portraying the themes, bestiality, extermination, but the humanity of each character is still there. Another case point in Witek’s book is the American Splendour series of comics made by Harvey Pekar in collaboration with various artists. This series is hailed by Witek as a comic genre separate from others, as it tries to make the reader experience the life and times of the author. This â€Å"autobiographical’ comic book portrays various events in Harvey Pekar’s life, from the exceptional to the more occurring dull moments. The reader sees what Harvey Pekar experiences in various situations, through various styles and viewpoints. The authority of the comic to tell an existing person’s story is exemplified by American Splendor.   Pekar states his reason for the theme of American Splendor by saying I want to write literature that pushes people into their lives rather than helping them escape from them. Most comic books are vehicles for escapism, which I think is unfortunate. I think the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through a normal day, and yet the reading public takes this heroism for granted. They’d rather read about Superman than themselves American Splendor does exactly that. It let’s the readers face the reality of Harvey Pekar’s hum drum existence, and in doing so, makes the readers see the parallelism of it with their own.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   So what right does Harvey Pekar have to exhibit such unbiased realism in comic book form? His authority, as Witek implies is in his persona. Pekar is a full-time employee, and just a part time comic book creator; in essence, he lives the life that his comic books portray. All the vulgarities, emotions, thoughts and experiences found in the comics are essentially his to share.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Witek focuses on Pekar’s use of various forms and styles within the comic to show the authenticity of the work. American Splendor has no underlying consistent narration or view point. The persona may shift from the Harvey talking, and then to his wife reminiscing, and then coming back to a past event shared by both. This, instead of confusing reality with various viewpoints, lets the reader fully grasp the Harvey Pekar experience. Every detail from every role is portrayed accurately just as the author experienced it, thus we may see strips of stories simply heard by Pekar, as well experiences seen from Pekar’s view point, or the viewpoint of others towards Pekar. This adds a dimension of realism that successfully conveys the feeling of experiencing a day in the life of Harvey Pekar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The success of the American Splendor series comes from its realism. We see Harvey Pekar as a person, full of foibles, emotion, errors and triumphs. We see and yet we do not judge, for in seeing those things in him, we also recognize that we as persons are guilty of the exact same reactions. Harvey Pekar does not portray himself, but the experience he has in the run of a normal day. Thus, no overtones of glorification or damnation can be evidently found within the text, for Pekar describes it as it is, without thought for shame, pride and ego. He focuses on the situation, making it, not Harvey Pekar, the real protagonist of his comics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Robert Harvey, the comic book is just the sum of its parts. The unity of form that is achieved when the written word and the visual depiction merges makes the comic an ideal medium for expressing mood and tone. To fully utilize the comic as this medium, all of the graphic elements, the page layout, style, the narrative and composition must meld with the written caption. This in effect highlights the authenticity of the comic in bringing across the message of the author.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Using these elements, we can find key scenes in both Maus and American Splendor which serve to support Witek’s argument of the comic as history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On page 83 of chapter 4 of Maus, we see an example of the effect when the caption fits in perfectly with the visual depiction. Due to the nature of the characterization, the visual element depends on the caption to identify which animal is which. The first words of the page set the whole tone, a somber realization. The following scene further reinforces the message, the interplay showing the noticeable distress of Vladek when he comes home and recounts the news. The boxed captions showing Vladek’s thoughts serves to highlight the underlying tone that it could be him hanging on the streets instead of the people he deals with. The final emphasis comes from the use of shaded lines to color the masses witnessing the hanging, giving them an aura of unimportance due to their impotence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     In American Splendor- A Marriage Album, we can see examples that illustrates how the factors mentioned by Harvey colluded to heighten the experience of the reader.The story starts with Pekar seeing his wife Joyce off, then it shifts to a reverie of Herschel/Harvey about the marriage. The scene then shifts to Joyce’s recounting of their then budding relationship, with highlights on the difficulties. Both accounts fuse together in the end, and the final scene shows perfect timing in summarizing the totality of the story, the interplay of how other people see their actions, Joyce’s joy in telling Harvey, and Harvey’s discomfort, which he tries to hide by throwing the box he was loading into the truck.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The two stories justify Witek’s premise of comic as history. The Maus focuses on the interplay of Jewish generations and the gap between the Holocaust and post-holocaust jews. American Splendor on the other hand emphasizes the scenes found in real, normal life, showing a reality as experienced by the author, Harvey Pekar. Both the authors of Maus and American Splendor exhibit the authority to tell their story in the comic medium. And in analyzing the different factors they use in telling the story, we see that they have the authenticity to do so as well. References Witek, J. (1990). Comic Books As History (The Narrative Art of Jack Jackson, Art Spiegelman, and Harvey Pekar).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Human and Hazlitt Essay

Prompt: Read the following excerpt from William Hazlitt’s Lectures on the English Comic Writers (1819). Then write a well-developed essay analyzing the author’s purpose by examining tone, point of view, and stylistic devices. William Hazlitt’s purpose in writing this passage was to enlighten the reasons of why with so much tragedy and despair around us we are still able to feel happiness or laugh at a poorly told joke. Hazlitt’s tone is a mixture of condescending and explanation. The passage is written to explain our faults and why we at times express or feel stronger emotions for events, or actions that have some humor. However, at the same time, there is an event or action that is very sad that the emotions produced should be greater, although, they are not. In sight of something of great remorse, we will laugh at something insignificant before we would express remorse. Hazlitt patronizes people in general for laughing at nothing, and for not crying at something tragic. We as humans have the capacity to feel and express strong emotions, both positive and negative, yet we only express the positive emotions, or only allow ourselves to feel the positive emotions. William Hazlitt writes from a neutral point of view, however it is an un-biased neutral point of view. Hazlitt writes as if he is excluded from the human race, as if he is just an observer. It sounds like he removed him-self in order to describe what he saw and observed how people express emotion. By writing the passage from this perspective, he gives the reader the impression that they may be able to achieve a plateau that would allow them to fully feel emotions in a pure manner. Hazlitt’s stylistic devices are clearly recognized and unique, throughout the entire passage he uses hyperbole and overstatement in order to emphasize what he feels. Hazlitt’s purpose was to clearly explain to the reader the oddity of human emotions. To achieve this Hazlitt uses repitition; he repeats the main ideas repeatedly to ensure that the reader will understand his point. In addition to this, Hazlitt also uses a punctuation mark that is rarely seen in lectures today; the exclamation mark. In using this mark he  ads more spice to his writing, it increases the subject’s importance. He persuades the reader that this is a serious subject, and could be the downfall of morality in society. In conclusion, to get his point across Hazlitt uses many different rhetorical strategies in order. The stylistic device he uses makes the readers feel inferior, and in order for them to better themselves, they must recognize their own faults. Hazlitt uses many techniques to inform the reader of the chaotic way in, which a person feels, and expresses emotions.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How Extracurriculars Can Boost Your College Application

At we meet many students with stellar college admissions profiles. But those who set themselves apart do so through their extracurricular efforts. College admissions officers use GPA and standardized test scores as metrics to determine how well a candidate stacks up to their school’s admissions criteria, but neither area offers much in terms of ways to truly differentiate your college application. An outstanding extracurricular profile can truly set your application apart from the pack. It is important to use extracurriculars as a means to genuinely convey to admissions officers who you are, and where your interests, strengths, and passions lie. You may already be involved in a wide range of extracurriculars early on in high school, and if so, that is excellent. Depending on your continued enthusiasm in each one of them, it may be a good idea to take time to consider if it would be in your best interest to explore some new areas in addition to or instead of the areas in which you are currently involved. One practical way to approach this is to take a broad look at the extracurricular opportunities your school community and communities outside of school offer. Self reflection and an open mind can help you discover areas that you have a real interest in exploring. If you happen to be involved in certain activities that you either no longer enjoy or feel as though are not helping your personal growth and future goals, it is completely acceptable to let these go. Simply choosing for the sake of adding another activity to your resume is not the approach to take. It is far more advantageous to pursue a few highly focused areas that you are passionate about and make a strong impact than it is to involve yourself in more areas merely at a surface level. Admissions officers see right through resumes that are padded with activities just for the sake of pretending that a great deal was accomplished over the last four years. What they are looking for is demonstrated interest in areas that are central to who you are and what you can bring to their campus. When you sign up for our program, we carefully pair you with the perfect admissions specialist based on your current academic and extracurricular profile and the schools in which you’re interested. Your personal specialist will help you with branding, essays, and interviews, and provide you with support and guidance in all other aspects of the application process.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Confrontation Of The Past Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Confrontation Of The Past - Essay Example Elaine Risley is a middle-aged artist who goes back to the city of her childhood because she had to attend a show there.Morrie Schwartz is reunited with his former student Mitch who he recalls despite having not seen him for more than 16 years. The reunion gives Morrie Schwartz a chance to pass on his wisdom to the world through Mitch because he was in the final days of his life. Elaine Risley fled her childhood city because of the fact that she wanted to leave behind the painful memories that she had while growing up there. Much of the pain came from the fact her friends Cordelia, Carol, and grace results to humiliating her in the name of improving her. This leads to a period of depression. The friends would walk around pointing out at her weaknesses and failures, resulting in a state of very low self-esteem. As a result of the experience that Elaine had with Cordelia, she begins to doubt her abilities even when she was not supposed to. Despite the fact that Cordelia was just a part of her past, she could still have the memories of her criticism and mockery in her thought. In fact, she thought that by fleeing her home city she will be able to forget all the wrong things that had happened to her during her childhood(Atwood 67). This does not happen and she ignores every chance she has for going back to Toronto because of the fear that she would be remembered for the kind of life that she had while growing up. During the 16 years that Mitch and Morrie were separated many things change in the character of Mitch. He leaves behind the moral values which Morrie remembers him to uphold. Mitch is enticed by the popular culture is more drawn to individualism. Mitch does picture ever going back to the moral self he once used to be. Mitch does not have the kind of experience that he had with Morrie (Albom 72). The kind of people that he interacts with is just cold and does not give much attention to moral values, but to the gains that they get from everything they do.

Commanding officer Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Commanding officer - Personal Statement Example As a commanding officer of the 103rd precinct, I am responsible for crime within the district. This 103rd precinct refers to a multi-cultural command around the area. The neighborhoods in these areas comprise of Hollis Park Gardens, downtown Jamaica Business District, Lakewood, Jamaica and Hollis. As a commanding officer of this area, I am responsible for all the crimes that take place within these neighborhoods. In addition, I also shoulder the responsibility of the quality of life within these societies, community affairs, and the level of crime within the community, which is at an all time high. As the new commanding officer of this 103rd precinct, have come up with a number of solid measures that will enable me to control the levels of crimes within these regions, as well as, ensure that the community is a safe and peaceful place to reside, with reigning peace and safety (Addington and Lynch 280). The level of crime within my precinct is very alarming to the extent that some old folks are contemplating moving out of the neighborhoods to safer regions. The region has a wide variety of crimes, which include felony assaults, auto theft and carjacking, burglaries and robberies, street mugging, and rape cases are very common in the area. In addition to these petty crimes, the region also has hardened gangsters who conduct daylight robbery, and fail to consider the quality of lives that they take away in the course of their theft or robbery escapades. All these criminal activities make the region an unsafe place to reside, as well as, a poor place for investments or any other business activity (Eterno and Silverman 66). My responsibilities as the commanding officer of this region are to reduce to a manageable level the rate of crime in the region, as well as, make the region conducive for both habitation and business investments purposes. The first way of reducing these crimes is to analyze the reason and cause behind each criminal activity. Research from crime s tats of the region provides that the main reason why the region has a high level of crime is the lack of proper policing activities in the region. The area has a low ratio of police to citizens. The recommended ratio of police to citizens in this region is three police officers for every VIP, and one police officer for every 750 commoners. However, the current statistics of police to the public provide two police officers for every VIP and one police officer for one thousand five hundred common citizens (Kalinich, Klofas and Stojkovic 45). I intend to increase these ratios of police to the public to the recommended levels. Having the right numbers of police patrolling the region will lead to a considerable reduction of crime in the region. Furthermore, the police we have in the region, the lesser the levels of crime as criminals will feel afraid to perpetrate their criminal activities around a law-enforcing officer. In addition, the public will also feel protected and secure to carr y on their day-to-day activities because of the assured security provided by police patrolling in their neighborhoods. These police department will station posts at strategic points in the region, with special considerations of regions that have high rates of crimes such as ghettos, shanties and slum regions. These officers will also conduct 24/7 patrols across the entire region in order to apprehend criminals who might be robbing or stealing, as well as, maintain general security of the area (Sutton and Trueman 14). The next step of reducing crime in my region will be to introduce a community-policing program. This is a program, which will initiate a unique relationship, as well as, a cooperation pact, between the police department and the public. Through this policy, I intend to bring the police closer to the public and foster a close-knit relationship between these two centers of the community. The resultant effect will be the creation of confidence, trust and loyalty between the two parties involved. As such, it will be

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Bacteria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bacteria - Essay Example They help the bacteria to move away from the chemicals that can harm them. They play a great role in increasing bacteria pathogenicity because they enable them to move to the targeted locations and to survive. For any infection to occur, the pathogenic bacteria have contacted the target tissues. All organism whether plants or animal deal with flagellated bacteria. The main locations of most flagellated bacteria are the mucosal areas. Pathogenic bacteria have flagella that help them in attacking and colonizing the mucosa. The flagella attack the mucosa through the production of the virulence and adhesion factors (Wassenaar, 2009). Flagella increase pathogenicity through motility. The glycocalyx and mucus obstruct the pathogens. As a result, the pathogens have to counterbalance the upward movement of mucus in the bronchial epithelia and the intestines through motility in order to achieve colonization. Chemotaxis and motility enables the bacteria to aim the mucosal tissues. For instance, the motility of the bacteria like helicobacter pylori and the pseudomonas aeruginosa are responsible for the stomach and the lung infections. Additionally, the motility of the Vibrio cholerae enhances the infection of the intestinal mucosa. The infection of the rabbit appendix by the S. enterica also relies on their motility. Consequently, flagella plays a great role in enhancing pathogenicity since motility makes it easier for pathogens to interact with the hosts (Winn & Koneman, 2006). The structure also contributes to the increase in pathogenity though adhesion. Flagella enable bacteria to occupy a certain niche by acting as adhesin. For instance, the flagella of the Clostridium difficile stick to cecal mucus in mice through adhesion. Cystic fibrosis also occurs when the bacteria called the P. aeruginosa sticks at the airway lumen through adhesion. The bacteria cause infection when the flagella bind it to the mucin Muc 1 which is found in the airway mucus. In addition, the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Gran Torino Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Gran Torino - Movie Review Example The beginning of the movie shows Walt Kowalski as a loner, whose wife has recently died leaving him alone in a neighborhood which is gradually being filled heterogeneous working-class ethnic minorities. In such a scenario, the American flag hoisted in front of his house and his meticulous mowing of his lawn maintaining boundaries are suggestive of the strict boundaries Walt has in his mind. He is strictly American, who drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, drives a vintage Gran Torino and hates Land Cruiser and Hmong people. He refers to his Hmong neighbors as, "swamp rats" and "barbarians". He even doesnt mind closing the door on Thaos face when the later turns up at his door asking for jumper cables. However, his endeavor to save his lawn one night accidentally saves Thaos life and leads to a battery of interactions between the Lor family and himself. Initially reluctant to take the relationship with his neighbor any forward after that night, Walt throws away all the gifts and flowers that the Hmong neighbors leave at his doorstep as their mark of gratitude towards the man who saved their child. On one hand, this scene shows how the Hmong culture pays respect to a person who has helped them, on the other hand, it also shows how Walt is not ready to accept gratitude for a deed that he never actually intended to do. Walt only tried to keep people out of his lawn. However, he actually saves Sue from being harassed by three colored boys in a desolate area. It is Sue who introduces Walt to Hmong culture by enlightening him with the fact that, Hmong is a race of hill people. The party scene at Lors house actually shows Walts adaption to a new culture which till date he had no idea about. The audience along with Walt comes to know that Hmong think a persons soul resides on his head and should never be touched. They also consider it rude to make eye contact while talking and would most likely be found smiling while being

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Natural, Herbal, and Vitamin Supplements Research Paper

Natural, Herbal, and Vitamin Supplements - Research Paper Example Each day, online sites are flooded with people looking for every kind of health-related information. Their searches range from information pertaining to remedies for health problems to preventive health care. In order to market their supplements, companies through the media place a wide range of advertisements that are enticing to consumers (Vaskovarzic 1). Each site gives the impression that their product is the ultimate solution to health problems. Given that consumers are desperate for solutions, they are usually easily convinced to purchase these supplements. Sometimes, reviews from people who give testimonies on how some of the supplements are effective to increase people’s urge to purchase. Media has also contributed a lot towards creating an image that is at times deceiving to people (123HelpMe 1). Online photos show pictures of flawless people especially celebrities. In some circumstances, media will highlight specific supplements that these celebrities use to acquire the perfect look. The fact that everyone wants to look good becomes a triggering factor for online shopping for supplements based on judgment from online images. Media has created awareness about the existence of various supplements. If it were not for the media, people would be less knowledgeable. In addition to this, issues such as availability and price have been made possible through the media. From anywhere in the world, people can compare and eventually purchase every kind of supplement they want. The process of placing an order is easy (Teichner and Lesko 1). This convenience encourages online shopping (Teichner and Lesko 1). Moreover, through television talks and interviews, media plays a role in publicizing supplements.  Media is so powerful that it can either help or harm people. In everyday life, people are in connection with media through television, radio and the internet hence accessibility to information. Through the influence of magazine pictorials and television commercials, people are negatively affected. When media is abused, it influences people unconsciously to attempt things that are harmful to their health. Media ofte n presents the picture of a perfect body with the aim of getting attention and in the long run marketing certain products. When people fail to acquire the perfect body after consuming particular supplements, they go for alternative supplements. This process increases dependency on particular products hence creating emotional conflicts in most cases.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Demonstrative Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Demonstrative Communication - Essay Example This research will begin with the definition of communication as a form of interaction through which individuals send and receive messages amongst themselves and there must be a sender and a receiver for it to take place. Over the past centuries, humans have come up with other ways to communicate through not only written text and spoken words but symbols, colors and body language among others. One form of communication is demonstrative communication, which mainly involves nonverbal and unwritten communication such as tone of voice, facial expression, and body language among others. Krueger posits that nonverbal communication is communicating without words but through various channels. Mostly, nonverbal communication is associated with body language, but the truth is, it also involves facial movements and vocal feature. In most cases, individuals tend to communicate non-verbally through body language and facial expressions. For instance, some people perceive yawning or stretching arms as a sign of tiredness. Demonstrative communication involves non-verbal and unwritten communications and facial expressions are the most popular among all forms of nonverbal communication. Facial expressions and body movements enable individuals to successfully communicate with those around them. Sometimes, demonstrative communication reinforces verbal communication in that, dressing appropriately tells a lot about the speaker especially during a presentation.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5

Financial Management - Essay Example This paper will explore the different ways by which business entities can deal with the exchange rate variations to protect the value of their assets and profits against unpredictable risks. In recent years derivatives have been developed in order to provide some sort of insurance in the face of uncertainty caused by the changes in the foreign exchange rates. Derivative, or hybrid, investments, unlike stocks and bonds, do not represent ownership of shares, such as stocks, or a promise of loan repayment, such as bonds, and are once or twice removed from a real product. For example, a crude oil futures contract is a bet on which way crude oil prices will move, but what happens to the product itself is of no interest to the investor When an individual converts one currency into another in an actual exchange, the risk inherent in this activity is called a transaction exposure. Multinationals often face translation exposure, or the risk that arises from the need to re-state one currency in terms of another currency for accounting purposes. The risk arises because exchange risk volatility can impact the value of net assets and profits at the time of their translation. (See Kolb 1997). Financial derivatives are based on an underlying instrument such interest as debt instruments or foreign currencies. Most predominant among these derivatives are forward contracts, but futures contracts, option contracts, and swap contracts are also used by businesses as means of hedging. Hedging is distinguished from speculation in that the hedger wants to shift risk to others while the speculator hopes to make profits for the risk he is taking. A futures contract is an agreement that one party will accept delivery of a particular asset – either real or financial – on some date in the future at a price determined today. If one is intending to buy an asset in the future, one could buy a futures contract (a long position) today to fix the

Antivuris Programs Essay Example for Free

Antivuris Programs Essay Today, people rely on computers to create, store, and manage critical information, many times via a home computer network. Information transmitted over networks has a higher degree of security risk than information kept in a user’s home or company premises. Thus, it is crucial that they take measures to protect their computers and data from loss, damage, and misuse resulting from computer security risks. Antivirus programs are an effective way to protect a computer against viruses. An antivirus program protects a computer against viruses by identifying and removing any computer virus found in memory, on storage media, or on incoming files. When you purchase a new computer, it often includes antivirus software. Antivirus programs work by scanning for programs that attempt to modify the boot program, the operating system, and other programs that normally are read from but not modified. In addition, many antivirus programs automatically scan files downloaded from the Web, e-mail attachments, opened files, and all types of removable media inserted in the computer (Karanos 201-205). One Technique that antivirus programs use to identify a virus is to look for virus signatures, or virus definitions, which are known specific patterns of virus code. According to Shelly and Cashman (Antivirus Programs), many vendors of antivirus programs allow registered users to update virus signature files automatically from the Web at no cost for a specified time. Updating the Antivirus program’s signature files regularly is important, because it will download any new virus definitions that have been added since the last update. Methods that guarantee a computer or network is safe from computer viruses simply do not exist. Installing, updating, and using an antivirus program, though, is an effective technique to safeguard your computer from loss.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Target Private Label Brand Analysis Essay Example for Free

Target Private Label Brand Analysis Essay In this assignment we analyzed Target’s private labels. Target has both value and premium private brands. Target uses â€Å"Up Up† for its value private label products and â€Å"Archer Farms† for its premium private label food products. The three product categories that we picked are household products, health products, and food products. The first household product that we picked is Target’s Up Up body wash. The Up Up’s Delicate Exfoliating Body Wash is compared to the national brand Dove Exfoliating Body Wash. They both are 24 oz and have the same package size and color. The Up Up is $3.24 whereas Dove is $5.49 which is 69% more expensive than the Up Up body wash. In terms of packing, the Up Up body wash has the same packing as the Dove body wash. They are very identical to each other and have the same shape and color. The Up Up body wash is placed on the upper right shelf where other body wash products are placed. In addition, the private brand is placed on the same shelf, but to the right side of the national brand. Next, we picked Target’s Up Up hand soap. The Up Up’s Moisturizing Hand Soap Aloe Vera is compared to Softsoap Soothing Aloe Vera hand soap. They both are 64 oz, have the same package and color. The Up Up is $3.69 while Softsoap is $4.49 which is 22% is more expensive than Target’s private brand. In terms of packaging, the Up Up hand soap has the same packaging as Softsoap hand soap. They both look the same and have a similar package size, shape and color. The Up Up hand soap is placed on the center bottom shelf and is placed to the right of Dove body wash. From the health products we picked Target’s Up Up Probiotic Dietary Supplement. The Up Up’s Probiotic Dietary Supplement is compared to Align Probiotic Dietary Supplement. They both have 26 tablets 4 week supply. The Up Up tablets costs $16.79 where the Align is $28.89 which is 72% more expensive than the Up Up probiotic tablets. In terms of packaging the Up $ Up Probiotic tablets have the same package size and shape as the Align Probiotic tablets, but the Up Up has a blue packaging color. The Up Up tablets are placed on the bottom right corner of the shelf. The national brand Align is to the left of Target’s private label. From the food products we chose Target’s premium private label Archer Farms. Target only has premium private label for its food products. The Archers Farms’ Organic Skim Milk is compared to Horizon Organic Fat-Free Milk. They both are 1.89 L and have the same package size but have different package color. The Archer Farms’ organic milk is $3.59 whereas the Horizon’s organic milk is $3.99. Here we see that the national brand is only 11% more expensive than the premium private brand. In terms of packaging the Archer Farms’ milk has the same package size and shape to the Horizon’s milk but conveys a premium image. Archer Farms’ milk is placed on the middle shelf and on the center of the shelf for milk products. The national brand Horizon is to the left side of Archer Farms premium private brand.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Representation of Power in Marvels Daredevil

Representation of Power in Marvels Daredevil Kimmy Huynh How are the characters in Marvel’s â€Å"Daredevil† Netflix series portrayed as powerful? Introduction The portrayal of power in fictional media often reflects connotations and assumptions made in the real world. By using the theoretical framework of semiology to analyse how Marvel’s Daredevil constructs the notion of power, an insight into what elements audiences see as power and how media creators materialise power in their work can be brought to light. Ideologically, the idea of power has been at the very core of capitalist societies such as the one we live in, it would therefore be insightful to pursue academic research in the area through deconstructing its representation. Marvel’s Daredevil series is an origin story created for the on-demand platform of Netflix. As a piece of media that exists within the modern superhero genre, power is a key theme. From a media studies perspective, Daredevil is a noteworthy text for analysis. Much like other Netflix series, its release on the digital platform saw the entire season of Daredevil released at once. This creates a pressure free form of storytelling for the media creators as it allows for characters and other elements of the Daredevil world to develop naturally over time without taking into consideration whether an audience member has watched the show sequentially each week. It would therefore be insightful to analyse how power is developed and represented in this new structure of storytelling. Methodology (strengths and weaknesses) In order to analyse the representation of power in the Daredevil show, a semeiotic analysis will be used to answer the question. A semiotic analysis of elements within the episodes will be used in order to deconstruct how power is represented. A semiotic analysis is a form of media research originally coined by the theorists Charles Sanders Pierce and Ferdinand De Saussure in the early twentieth century. Widely meaning the study of signs, Pierce stated that a sign is â€Å"something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity† (Pierce 1955: 99) while Saussure describes semiology as â€Å"a science that studies the life of signs.† (Saussure 1959: 16) Media texts, such as television shows, are seen as constructs of meaning. Theorist Stuart Hall (1997) suggests that meanings are encoded within the media by its creators and then decoded by audiences who actively react to it based on personal experiences, lifestyles and social norms at the time of viewing. Fiske describes denotation as being what is photographed and connotation as how the photo has been taken (Fiske, 1990). By deconstructing the representation of power in Daredevil through semiotic analysis, the underlying symbols used by media authors to create power can be brought to light. To analyse semiotics is to analyse the symbolic meaning of signs in a media text. De Saussure suggested that signs consist of two inseparable aspects: the signifier and signified. The signifier often exists in the material world in the form of letters, objects and images and is interpreted through our senses of touch, sight, sound etc. The signified is the mental concept or meaning attached to the signifier. Essentially, the equation for signs is as follows: The Signifier + Signified = Sign The purpose of a semiotic analysis, then, is to understand how meanings are formed by reviewing how texts are constructed by using the above equation. In employing this methodology, it would be beneficial for a researcher to understand the strengths and limitations of semiology. Theorists such as Robert Hodge and Gunther Kress advocate the notion that â€Å"semiotics offers†¦a systematic, comprehensive and coherent study of communications phenomena as a whole† (Hodge Kress, 1988:1). Furthermore, Semiotics provides scholarly research with conceptual framework and a set of tools and terms to analyse many forms of communication. On the other hand, semiology is often critiqued as being almost imperialistic, since some theorists see it as being applicable to anything and everything, infringing on almost every theoretical and ideological discipline. As a result of the breadth in which semiology is applied, it is said to be difficult to offer a critique on a theoretical framework that changes so much depending on its application. This is emphasised by John Sturrock in Structuralism (1986) where he illustrates this infringement as a â€Å"dramatic extension†¦Ã¢â‚¬  that would â€Å"include the whole of culture†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Sturrock, 1986:89). Literature Review Literature surrounding semiotic analysis often suggests that there are not many who work as ‘semioticians’, however it is rational to accept that everyone utilises semiotic methodology to some extent in their everyday lives. In an article written by Arthur Asa Berger, it is suggested in the section titled ‘People Watching and Facial Expression’ that curiosity is a driving force for why people may make a semiotic analysis, stating that â€Å"we often watch people [and] scrutinise them† (Berger, 2013:23), he continues to state that semiotic analysis is exercised when a person wonders where someone is going or what they are doing, â€Å"†¦body structure, body language, clothing, brands†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Berger, 2014:23) are some of the elements that are scrutinised in order to make an informed guess in answering those questions. While both key thinkers, De Saussure and Ferdinand, did not originally develop semiotics and semiology respectively for analysing media, it has since been a pioneering force in analysing contemporary media texts. In The Consumer’s Stake in Radio and Television, theorist Dallas Smythe suggested that television texts should be analysed as a â€Å"group of symbols† that â€Å"serve as a medium of exchange between the mass media and the audience† (Smythe, 1954:143), the ideas of semiotics and semiology coincide with Smythe’s statement. Smythe’s statement can also be applied to genre studies in the sense that genre is essentially a group of symbols that create a medium in which recurring codes and conventions allow a media text to be â€Å"classified and organised† (Casey, 2002:135). Listed under the superhero, action and adventure genres on Netflix, Daredevil will inevitably adhere to those specific genre conventions, it can therefore be said that signifiers that link to the signified ideas of superheroes, such as having extraordinary powers, a moral code and a secret identity will be used in the show. In terms of the ideological stance on power, Marxist literature focuses on the argument that mass media, such as television, is significantly influenced by the needs of the upper class in capitalist society. Marxist theory regarding the base and superstructure reinforces the idea of upper class dominance through mass media (Marx Engels, 1947). However a more culture orientated Marxist approach to media lies in Gramsci’s theory of hegemony. In Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks (1995), Gramsci rejected ideas of crude materialism and instead offered a more humanist form of Marxism that focused on human subjectivity and the power of media. He used the term hegemony to describe the predominance of one social class over the other (Gramsci, 1995). The media therefore prescribes, through signs, the dominant norms, values and tastes, political practices and social relations. (Sassoon, 1982) Analysis As mentioned before, signifiers often take form in the materialistic world of production. These catalysts for meaning can range from anything in the mise-en-scene, such as performance, lighting and costume, to the cinematographers choice of angles and camera shots. These verbal and visual elements then become the signified in which audiences draw links between an object and an idea. The two major characters in Daredevil, the antagonist and protagonist, will be analysed to understand how the idea of power has been encoded within them. The characters, Fisk and Murdock, can be seen as mirrors of one another. In literary terms they would be labelled as foils, the term is used to describe two characters that have comparative traits but are contrasted by their actions. Both characters believe they are saving the location of Hell’s Kitchen and exercise their power to do so. Power is therefore denoted in their actions, whether it’s violently interrogating criminals to find out where hostages are being kept or violently making an example of someone in order to keep the criminal underworld in line, both characters use their violent power to achieve their objectives. This is emphasised in Fisk’s dialogue in which he says â€Å"I want to save this city, like you. But only on a scale that matters†. This acts as a verbal signifier and indicates his exercise of power, even if innocent lives are lost in the process. In Episode three, titled Rabbit in a Snow Storm, the audience are introduced to a painting of the same name which symbolically represents more than just a simple painting. On one hand it denotes how the characters get caught up and lost in the bigger picture just as the rabbit is caught in the snowstorm. On the other hand, Fisk’s obsession with this piece of art soon brings out one of the major themes of the entire show: What kind of man or woman do you want to become? Fisk’s power over monetary wealth and the criminal underworld is at the core of this concern and the painting acts as a signifier for this idea. Moreover, this idea of power and the responsibility that comes with great power is applicable to the character of Murdock. Fisk is repeatedly shown to have struggled with what kind of man he wants to become and this is seen when he stares at the painting over and over again, which in turn signifies his increasing power as different events occur. Conversely, Murdock also struggles with who he is and what he may become as a result of his power. Murdock finds himself in the confession booth seeking guidance from Father Lantom. Through this faith, an iconic signifier which emphasises power is revealed. The juxtaposition between the iconic symbols of the church and Daredevil connotes the power of both good and evil existing within Murdoch. Faith plays a central part in the original Daredevil comic book story and it is what drives him to constantly question his own morality. The show has been widely praised for its violent and gritty fight scenes, however as a media construct, Murdoch’s fighting prowess in these scenes act as obvious signifiers for him being a powerful character as he is often pitted against insurmountable odds. Another symbol of power is seen through Murdoch’s questioning of his morality, this is seen in episode three where he confronts Fisk’s hired killer. While his own life is at risk, he still struggles with the notion of murder. This also reflects the superhero genre conventions of morality and its idea of killing one villain to save the many innocent. In the final scenes of episode thirteen, Daredevil obtains his most symbolic costume from the comic books. Reminiscent of the devil, his attire symbolises his identity as the Daredevil. Murdoch eventually adopts this identity as his alias as it has the power to instil fear. As an iconic sign, the media creators of Daredevil construct this verbal signifier in the dialogue where criminals often call Murdoch â€Å"the devil† in fear. Fear is therefore a sign used in representing the character of Murdoch as powerful. On the other hand, Murdoch’s foil, Fisk is not a character revealed until the third episode. And other characters often state that â€Å"we don’t say his name.† Furthermore, characters who end up revealing his name state that â€Å"he will find me†¦and everyone I’ve ever cared about†¦and make an example†. An element of the mise-en-scene, the performance and dialogue of other characters, are therefore used as verbal signs to imply how powerful the character of Fisk is. This element of fear derives from merely saying the character’s name and again, parallels Murdoch’s use of fear. Connotations that represent power are seen in the character of Wilson Fisk through his attire. Episode eight, titled Shadows in the Glass, illustrates this well by beginning with a montage of Wilson Fisk’s typical morning routine. A number of visual signifiers take shape in this opening sequence to connote power. His choice of clothing acts as a symbolic sign, reflecting what society has deemed a stereotypical rich man to look like. His suits, mainly black, therefore symbolise economic wealth and power respectively as the colour of black is widely associated with power and strength. Power is also encoded through the use of non diegetic sound. Classical music is inserted by the media creators in order to reinforce this idea of Fisk being a powerful member of the upper class in which the ‘finer things in life’ such as classical music and Fisk’s skills in the culinary arts as he makes breakfast is underlined. Politics and media, and more specifically power and media has always had an ambiguous relationship. Gross (1991) suggested that the powerful can often â€Å"influence† their own portrayals as well as others. The show takes this idea and illustrates it within episode six, titled Condemned, in a scene where the antagonist coerces the media, police and other public institutions into making the Murdoch the scapegoat for bombings that occur in Hell’s Kitchen, hence the episode name being Condemned. The representation of power is highlighted here as the media is influenced by the antagonist. Fisk’s control over the media is therefore another symbolic sign of him being a powerful character. A visual signifier for power used effectively throughout the season is body language; the positioning of Fisk often underlines him as a powerful character. The actor casted in the role, Vincent DOnofrio, stands at 6ft4 and weighs 130kg. While a man of this build already visually connoted as being powerful, the cinematography in Daredevil emphasises this by using low angles. By viewing the character from a low angle, Fisk is positioned above the audience and looks down on them, just as Fisk is framed in such a way that causes the audience to look up at the character, connoting a sense of power as he towers over the viewer. Conclusion In closing, the makers of the Daredevil Netflix series evidently employ signifiers that create the idea of power in order to truly illustrate how powerful a character is. A semiotic analysis of the two characters, Murdoch and Fisk, allow for an understanding of what elements have been used in order to create the impression of power a hero or villain. Most notable is the performative element of the mise-en-scene. Just as it is suggested by Berger in his analysis of applied semiotics in Semiotics and Society (2013), â€Å"body structure, body language† and facial expressions acts as strong signifiers in Daredevil. The performance of the actors who play Wilson Fisk and Matthew Murdoch therefore play a major role in creating verbal and visual signifiers for the notion of power. Furthermore, this is empowered by the character foils in which their parallels work to empower their different powers, be it supernatural as Murdoch or economic and coercive as Fisk. Media texts such as television and film are essentially signs containing other signs, and while some signifiers may not be obvious, a semiotic investigation aims to make these implicit signals, explicit. The employment of a semiotic analysis was insightful in regards to how ideas are constructed. The representation of power corresponds with Marxist ideology in which the powerful, such as Fisk, control the superstructure (Marx Engels, 1947) in the show. As stated at the beginning of the research report, the idea of power often reflects assumptions made in the real world. It is therefore informative to see how verbal and visual signs in actions, performances and costume present the idea of power to the audience. Bibliography BERGER, A.A. 2014; 2013, Semiotics and Society, Society, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 22-26. CASEY, B. (2002). Television studies: the key concepts. London, Routledge. FISKE, J. (1990). Introduction to communication studies. London, Routledge. GRAMSCI, A. (1995).Futher Selections from the Prison Notebooks. U of Minnesota Press. GROSS, L. P., KATZ, J. S., RUBY, J. (1988). Image ethics: the moral rights of subjects in photographs, film, and television. New York, Oxford University Press. HALL, S. (1997). Representation: cultural representations and signifying practices. London, Sage in association with the Open University. HODGE, B., KRESS, G. R. (1988). Social semiotics. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press. MARX, K., ENGELS, F., ARTHUR, C. J., MARX, K. (1947). The German ideology. [New York, United States of America] International Publishers. PEIRCE, C. S., BUCHLER, J. (1955). Philosophical writings of Peirce. New York, Dover Publications. SASSOON, A. S. (1982). Approaches to Gramsci. London, Writers and Readers. SMYTHE, D.W. 1951, The Consumers Stake in Radio and Television, The Quarterly of Film Radio and Television, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 109-128. SAUSSURE, F. D. (1959). Course in general linguistics. New York, Philosophical Library. STURROCK, J., WINTLE, J. (1986). Structuralism. London, Paladin. Page 1 of 6

Saturday, July 20, 2019

How is Sprawl Related to Landscape Change in Cities? Essay -- Urbaniza

How is Sprawl Related to Landscape Change in Cities? Over the past 20 years the 100 largest US urbanized areas have sprawled an additional 14,545 square miles according to the US Bureau of Census on Urbanized Areas. That was more than 9 million acres of natural habitats, farmland and other rural space that were covered over by asphalt, buildings and housing of suburbia. A major controversy in the efforts to halt the rural land loss is whether land-use and consumption decisions are the primary engines of urban sprawl, or whether it is the nation’s growing population boom that is providing the driving expansion. A good example of this rapid sprawl is the city of Chicago. It has had astonishing growth in the past years bringing about many new issues such as traffic congestion, surging housing markets, air pollution, loss of rural land and overcrowded schools. Through the redevelopment of existing cities like Chicago using methods like smart planning we can create livable areas, meet the needs of citizens and thus reduce the need fo r sprawl at the outer edge of existing cities. The main issues that will be covered are housing and human and social implications. The first issue is to define what sprawl is. There are many definitions of sprawl but the central component of most definitions seems to be this: Sprawl is the spreading out of a city and its suburbs over more and more rural land at the periphery of an urban area. This involves the conversion of open space (rural land) into built up, developed land over time. Organizations whose chief concerns involve urban planning goals may tend to emphasize qualitative attributes of sprawl, such as attractiveness, pedestrian-friendliness and compactness. But those who are ... ...y on the Sierra club site taken from the Sierra Club site in the 1998 Chicago report. National Trust for Historic Preservation Weighing Sprawl Factors in large US Cities, Chicago Metro Case Study, Brownfield article, Environmental Law and Policy Center, William Cronon, Natures Metropolis, Copyright 1991, W.W. Norton and Company Inc., NY, NY. Planned Manufacturing article Tax Increment Financing articles

Barnsley Venue Guide :: essays research papers

Music and Arts Guide   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The following document features a variety of different venues in Barnsley, which are good for live bands or DJs. This should be of use to any unsigned band wishing to get gigs in the area. Some places might pay to have a band, others don’t. It all depends on the quality/ size of the venue and how well known you are as a band or DJ.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is Butterfield’s Bar on Market Hill, Barnsley. Tel: 01226 733854. It’s a trendy town centre bar, which serves a good range of food every day from 11am to 7pm. As far as evenings go, Wednesday is student night with two for one offers on all drinks and there is a DJ playing every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Butterfield’s also has bands playing sometimes when it is not a DJ night. Overall, It is a very clean and well-run bar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is Bodegas Bar on Pitt Street, Barnsley. Tel 01226 210220. Website – It is a lively student pub with Pool tables, Darts, two large TV screens and cheap drinks all the time. They have live bands every Wednesday, which are usually Rock or Heavy Metal in style.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chennell’s Bar on Pitt Street Barnsley. Tel 01226 210220. A popular pub for meals and drinks due to the low prices and decent quality. The dà ©cor is old-fashioned but this is still one of the busiest pubs in town due to the friendly staff and cheap drinks. It is not really a place where bands play often; however, It would be worth a try if you could not get gigs anywhere else.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Lord Nelson on Shambles Street, Barnsley. Tel 01226 737151. A student friendly pub with cheap pints upon production of student ID. There is a quiet bar upstairs with a pool table and plenty of room for drinking and eating. Downstairs is a music bar with a dance floor, which is open every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. It is a fairly good venue with plenty of room both on the dance floor and the stage area.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Durty O’Dwyers Bar on Market Hill, Barnsley. 01226 786100.Website – An Irish theme bar with associated dà ©cor and a good food menu from 11am to 3pm daily. It is a fairly small place with live bands on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons. There is also a practice room upstairs for  £10.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Panama Joe’s is on Pitt Street, Barnsley.

Friday, July 19, 2019

John Howard Griffin and Black Like Me :: Black Like Me Essays

John Howard Griffin and Black Like Me John Howard Griffin was a journalist and a specialist on race issues. After publication, he became a leading advocate in the Civil Rights Movement and did much to promote awareness of the racial situations and pass legislature. He was middle aged and living in Mansfield, Texas at the time of publication in 1960. His desire to know if Southern whites were racist against the Negro population of the Deep South, or if they really judged people based on the individual's personality as they said they prompted him to cross the color line and write Black Like Me. Since communication between the white and African American races did not exist, neither race really knew what it was like for the other. Due to this, Griffin felt the only way to know the truth was to become a black man and travel through the South. His trip was financed by the internationally distributed Negro magazine Sepia in exchange for the right to print excerpts from the finished product. After three weeks in the Deep South a s a black man John Howard Griffin produced a 188-page journal covering his transition into the black race, his travels and experiences in the South, the shift back into white society, and the reaction of those he knew prior his experonce the book was published and released. John Howard Griffin began this novel as a white man on October 28, 1959 and became a black man (with the help of a noted dermatologist) on November 7. He entered black society in New Orleans through his contact Sterling, a shoe shine boy that he had met in the days prior to the medication taking full effect. Griffin stayed with Sterling at the shine stand for a few days to become assimilated into the society and to learn more about the attitude and mindset of the common black man. After one week of trying to find work other than menial labor, he left to travel throughout the Southern states of Mississippi, Alabama, and Texas. November 14, the day he decided to leave, was the day after the Mississippi jury refused to indict or consider the evidence in the Mack Parker kidnap-lynch murder case. He decided to go into the heart of Mississippi, the Southern state most feared by blacks of that time, just to see if it really did have the "wonderful relationship" with their John Howard Griffin and Black Like Me :: Black Like Me Essays John Howard Griffin and Black Like Me John Howard Griffin was a journalist and a specialist on race issues. After publication, he became a leading advocate in the Civil Rights Movement and did much to promote awareness of the racial situations and pass legislature. He was middle aged and living in Mansfield, Texas at the time of publication in 1960. His desire to know if Southern whites were racist against the Negro population of the Deep South, or if they really judged people based on the individual's personality as they said they prompted him to cross the color line and write Black Like Me. Since communication between the white and African American races did not exist, neither race really knew what it was like for the other. Due to this, Griffin felt the only way to know the truth was to become a black man and travel through the South. His trip was financed by the internationally distributed Negro magazine Sepia in exchange for the right to print excerpts from the finished product. After three weeks in the Deep South a s a black man John Howard Griffin produced a 188-page journal covering his transition into the black race, his travels and experiences in the South, the shift back into white society, and the reaction of those he knew prior his experonce the book was published and released. John Howard Griffin began this novel as a white man on October 28, 1959 and became a black man (with the help of a noted dermatologist) on November 7. He entered black society in New Orleans through his contact Sterling, a shoe shine boy that he had met in the days prior to the medication taking full effect. Griffin stayed with Sterling at the shine stand for a few days to become assimilated into the society and to learn more about the attitude and mindset of the common black man. After one week of trying to find work other than menial labor, he left to travel throughout the Southern states of Mississippi, Alabama, and Texas. November 14, the day he decided to leave, was the day after the Mississippi jury refused to indict or consider the evidence in the Mack Parker kidnap-lynch murder case. He decided to go into the heart of Mississippi, the Southern state most feared by blacks of that time, just to see if it really did have the "wonderful relationship" with their

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A book review on “The Mountain People” by Colin Turnbull Essay

Turnbull has been quoted as a renowned ethnographic on writing about small-scale societies which lead a peaceful life in a trouble-free atmosphere by maintaining the size of their population and enjoyed a pollution-free environment till they are polluted by progress. In this book, Turnbull is describing about Ik tribal people who lived in the northern parts of Uganda and near to the border of Kenya who had to leave their ancestral villages as the area had been declared as a national park later. Due to this, Ik people had to live in non-fertile area which was affected by drought and famine almost several years in a series. [p. 117] and today, it is evident that Ik are facing a total negation of society. The specialty of Turnbull is that the style which the book is presented as he just narrated what he had seen and observed in the Ik province without adding colors or adding his own judgment on the scenery. See more: Experiment on polytropic process Essay Turnbull tries to give an anthropologist’s bird’s view on Ik’s style of living and conditions of their life by establishing close contact with Ik community and with communities lived in the neighborhood. Turnbull while living with Ik’s witnessed continuous cattle raids and how their children had been deserted by the parents even at the age of three and how the youths robbed the food-stuffs from the elders thereby making them to die prematurely. The Mountain People deals with the ethnographic details of the Ik or Teuso people living in northern Uganda. Turnbull in this book tries to expose how society and small-scale societies in general have been pretentious. In this book , Turnbull ties to portray the Rousseauesque picture of gatherers , hunters in general and Pygmies in specific , narrating generosity , kindness , honesty ,affection , charity ,compassion and other virtues available in them [p31]. [Spencer 651]. Due to progress, Ik have been compelled to leave their nomadic life and forced to peruse agriculture and illegal poaching. From 1965 onwards, innocent and gullible Ik have developed qualities like envy, acrimony, suspicion by leaving behind trust and royalty and parental love as the children were sent out of their homes as early as three years to stand on their own legs and elderly peopled died due to absence of caretaking and love. Ik had the qualities of co-operation and control but later they never practiced theses qualities due to famine and hunger. Turnbull commented that he witnessed those vestiges of generosity, kindness and light-heartedness which disappeared by overnight by the occupation of survival instincts that cherish in all of us. [Turnbull 33]. Author had an occasion to live with this Ik population at the time of famine and political unrest in Uganda and witnessed the dying of older people and how Ik population was reduced to bare minimum due to these factors. He felt that Ik population was isolated due to famine from the society and finally the Ik population was completely vanished as it would be the fate of every marginal society. [p 285]. [Spencer 652] Turnbull narrated that Ik had no opportunity to have sumptuousness like sentiment, family and love. Since there was no societal affiliation, both the aged and children were regarded as futile. As long as if society keeps rearing group alive, one can always have more children. Since, in the absence of care, old perished first followed by Ik’s children population. Yet, there existed a ethnic suicide. [p 108 -109]. Further, due to continuous famine and drought, Ik perused basic survival tactics to live. [27]. The deterioration of social bindings does not connote that there is absence of collaboration between individuals. They assisted each other in times of help. [121]. Beating and harassing their wife is a pastime for Ik’s men. [138] . They also followed some rites in their marriage traditions. The bridegroom had to capture the bride in the cover of darkness though it was a prearranged one in advance. [106]. Though, the Ik’s had religious faith like worshipping ‘Didigwari’ name of a sky god in earlier days but later it was absent in the Ik’s society after the collapse of their society. [158]. Turnbull was of the opinion that Ik were enjoyed the best conservationists style of living as long as they were hunter / gatherer. [21]. Turnbull depiction of Ik style of living is almost analogues to Malthusian process where in the absence of epidemic and warfare, the population tends to increase to their ecological limit. However, in Ik model, the population completely vanished due to famine, hunger, neglect of older, younger and weaker dependants. Further, malice represents an unavoidable and sharp quality when some ecological shift revealed overpopulation for what it was. Turnbull is of the view that the effort to resettling down the Ik may have generated a distinct unprecedented turn in their ecology. Ik society won an interstitial position between adjoining karamojong-speaking pastoral tribes like trading, doing black-smith work, escorting them during their cattle raids resulted in intermigration and intermarriage with them. These individual ties namely [nyot] between Ik and pastoralists demonstrated that Ik were prepared to demonstrate longer term self-interest and a degree of trust which is absent elsewhere. [p. 162]. [Spencer 652] The Ik justify a place in the literature of reaction to stress and extreme deprivation. Children were actually taken care of in concentration sites. Besides a passing remark of Treblinka, Turnbull does not place them in this context and makes little comparison of any kind. [236]. Turnbull offered an interesting assumption that Ik’s hunter’s social group engaged in traits like amenability in social grouping and self-reliance and independence which acted as a kind of pre-adaptation for the dissolution of family tie in the light of continued catastrophe. [p. 287]. Turnbull is also of the view that there is still flourishment of artistic tradition among the Ik. [277]. Turnbull also elaborated that most of the Ik girls were disease-prone prostitutes and the young men desired to economize on their energy and wealth by engaging in masturbation and deserting the girls alone. [ 209]. Turnbull warns us as â€Å" this decline in human relationships among the Ik to the individual levels places the Ik one leap ahead of civilization†¦Our society has turning increasingly individualistic. Now, the family values tend to loose its significance and religious practice and belief bind us into communities of shared beliefs. The order in the society is being maintained existence of coercive power which is upholding a rigid law and by an equally harsh penal system. † [182]. In retaliation to a criticism to his book, Turnbull commented that the book has not written for anthropologists but it was fashioned to accomplish the anthropologist’s duty to reveal his findings to the general public. This book detailed â€Å"a varied numbers of anthropological issues and solutionss in such an thoughtless style that it merits both to hold up as a warning and to be sanctioned. † [Barth 100]. According to Henry A. Murray, a psychologist, the human behavior is ruled by a sequence of needs and when a fundamental need like food is unsatisfied, other higher order needs like trust, love must go by the board. This is true in case of Ik’s but Turnbull never aware of it. Turnbull findings was said to be deeply flawed both on ethnographical and ideological grounds. Turnbull love affair with the pygmies largely reflected his colored perception about the Ik. Turnbull acclaimed that the data covered in the book were insufficient for arriving an approaching proof. He frequently goes outside the limits of well accepted ethnographic reporting, interpreting his account with personal judgments and ascribing aims for observed behavior Turnbull is rather right in uttering that man is competent to unleash severe inhumanity to himself and Ik is certainly an extreme example of this. However, it is hilarious to note that Turnbull seems to visualize that he is the first to have discovered this fact and it is his duty to preach the world what he observed. According to Barkow, Collin Turnbull has given a superficial and exaggerated book. [Barkow 155]. The absence of bonding in the society was evident from the fact that when food was distributed by the Ugandan government to famine affected areas like Ik’s province, the younger generation went to the nearest town for collecting the food never cared to carry and supply them to the aged, weak people as they considered it as waste of food and time to feed their starving aged, weaker relatives and neighbors. [232]. Due to poverty, Ik deceived each other’s and Turnbull was not exception to this. Turnbull christened them as people without love and they were uncharitable, unfriendly, mean and inhospitable as any people can be. Turnbull compared the Ik society with that of inhuman conditions prevailed in Nazi death camps where Jews were butchered during the Second World War. Turnbull found the similarity of the extinction of Ik tribe without that of mass butchering of Jews in Nazi death camps and branded it on a global scale and forewarned that an ultimate destruction of mankind in near future. Turnbull in concluding chapter was of the opinion that Ik society had a bleak future. If unattended, their society would vanish in the course of time and it is very arduous to restructure their society. Government should help them to resettle by segregating them into smaller groups else they would miss their identity. However, Turnbull is fully aware that this action would be condemned by human rights organization but it is the need of the hour to preserve the Ik community in this vast universe. WORKS CITED Barkow, Jerome H. â€Å"The Mountain People† A Book Review. â€Å"Canadian of African Studies, Vol 9 [1] [1975]:155-156. Spencer, Paul. â€Å"The Mountain People† A Book Review. â€Å"Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Vol. 8. No 4 [Dec 1973]: 651 -652. Turnbull, Colin M . The Mountain People. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1972

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Periodical Test

FIRST PERIODIC examination IN ENGLISH V (BLOOMS TAXONOMY) world-class biannual Test English V Directions see as the teacher reads the condemnations. In your make come forth sheet, shade the garner of the ameliorate answer. 1. What transition is utilise in the statements? a. ascent b. f every last(predicate)ing c. upgrade f exclusivelying 2. In the designate Rose won the skirmish? . What is the proper transition? a. locomote b. move c. w long time increase FALLLING 3. What makes a clock time rising? a. intonation b. punctuation speciate c. a and b 4. If you provide say You argon louver years old with a doubt, how atomic number 18 you passage to say it? . boost b. FALLING c. RISING FALLING heed TO THE TEACHER AS SHE transformS A serial OF DIRECTIONS. 5. What did the teacher carry you to economize at the upper left wing heap street corner? a. left overstep corner b. occur c. right hand corner 6. To travel along a series of directions, what moldi nessiness be take overed? a. ask questions b. follow the directions c arfully c. drop the directions. 7. sp ar the experience a go at it tell of your school day in cosmic bold letters. a. Julian r. Felipe elementary give lessons b. Julian Felipe c. Julian R. FELIPE ELEMENTARY civilise 8. What do you bode the mugful touchyened on concealment of vocalises to morsel you enunciate the ords right? a. punctuation post b. filter step to the fore mark c. both(prenominal) a and b 9. To express appellative reciprocations or nouns lay outly, where ordain you commit the stress mark? a. beginning syllable b. abet syllable c. at the mop up of the ledger 10. To pronounce verbs, where leave you put the stress mark? a. first syllable b. second syllable c. at the end of the volume 11. How would you pronounce tar tucker atomic number 18a in the objurgate I mark to this proposal of marri get on with a. OBject b. obJEct c. physical object rove the stress mark on the underlined delivery in the sentences below. 12. Alex is playing his commonplace record. a. record b. record c. record 13.Check the m go through of the buffet, a. content b. record c. contentedness 14. Get the trial stand from the cashier. a. permit b. permit c. endure 15. You idler open your presents later. a. presents b. presents c. presents evidence THE PRESCRIPTION BELOW. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS GIVEN BY THE DOCTOR. Rx 10 08 03 Patients describe Joanne Angela Cruz Amoxicillin 250/5 ml (Moxillin) go through 5 ml every 8 hours for sevener days (6am 2pm 10pm) Fidelilz P. Macasling, M.D. Pediatrics Lic. 94606 16. What is the official eon that the medicine should be interpreted? a. 6am 2am 10pm b. 7am 7pm c. 9am 12 midnight 17. What dosage should be tending(p) to the patient of? a. 5ml b. 6ml c. 7ml 18. To follow the rejuvenates prescription, Joanne should potable her medicine first at 6am, because at 2pm and lastly at ________, a. 10pm b. 10am c. 1 1pm 19. Joanne went to the doctor October 8, 2003. If she is to take the medicine for seven days, when forget she stop takinf it? a.On Oct. 14 b. On Oct. 15 c. On Oct. 16 20. You take to stick a new donjon back for the school year. Which of the undermentioned is the best issue to do? a. make a offer at the Senate b. make an announcement c. go around the school and shout out WRITE DOWN THE MISSING dilate OF A GOOD ANNOUNCEMENT FOR AN earreach IN YOUR SCHOOL. WHO ALL GRADE V PUPILS 21. WHAT ___________ a. At the multipurpose Hall b. in that respect will be an audition c. either Grade V Pupils WHEN OCTOBER 10, 2010 22. WHERE __________ a. At the multipurpose Hall b. there will be an audition c. all Grade V Pupils pick THE BLANK WITH THE localise SPELLING OF THE row TO MAKE SENSE OUT OF THE SENTENCE. 23. The p _ _ n o _ r a p h is non astray used anymore because of thr pro keepration of CDs and cas castte players. a. photograph b. record player c. pictograph 24. A p _ _ t o _ r _ _ h says a thousand words. a. photograph b. phonograph c. pictograph 25. Most race defy a p _ _ b _ _ of heights. a. proban b. phoban c. hobia 26. The prefix over- designates a. lower than familiar b. higher than coarse c. tho enough 27. The word outdated correspond a. age is more than the sine qua non b. age is less than the emergency c. age is hardly right 28. Undersizing pissed a. coat is smaller than the requirement b. size is more than the requirement c. size is just right USE THE CORRECT prefix WITH THE ROOT lecture 29. _________ load is as well as heavy a. over b. under c. higher up 30. Using the rules you learned in apply tag ones, which word manner child kindred ways? a. childic b. childward c. childish 1. Where do we affix suffixes? a. originally the word b. in the pose of the word c. at the end of the word 32. How would you syllabify the word miracle? a. mi-rac-le b. mir-a-cle c. mi-ra-cle 33. syllabize the word government. a. go ver-n-ment b. Go-vern-ment c. gov-ern-ment 34. Syllabicate the word elementary. a. el-emen-tary b. Ele-men-ta-ry c. ele-menta-ry 35. A word is used as a verb in a sentence when the stress mark is found at the _____. a. first syllable b. second syllable c. both a and b use up THE CORRECT MEANING OF THE UNDERLINED WORDS AS use IN EACH SENTENCE. 36.I mean to scotch aid the young boy. a. cruel b. think of c. interpretation 37. The boy is mean because he hits his young sister. a. cruel b. intend c. explanation 38. When 2 words argon p diffuseed in moment, they atomic number 18 said to be a. antonyms b. synonyms c. homonyms 39. Synonyms are words having ________ a. the same meaning b. icy meaning c. both a and b 40. The synonym of pretty is _______ a. bonnie b. pathetic c. weak 41. The antonym of colossal is ______ . diminutive b. gigantic c. large encounter up the information sheet below with the involve information. 42. Sur pee-pee, seducen put up, Middle sign a. Santonil, B. mare b. B. Maria Santonil c. Santonil, Maria Nympha B. 43. nary(prenominal) of star sign Street Brgy metropolis a. Cavite City, 60, Sampaguita St. b. 60, Sampaguita St. , San Antonio, Cavite City c. Sampaguita St. , San Antonio 60, Cavite city 44. Give the heading to the following set of related ideas Airplane CarHelicopter admit transfer a. set of flowers b. flock of birds c. mode of emigration Read the split up experience makes a dash of everyone. Even reasoned deal do non number innate(predicate)ly when they fall in respect. peck inlove do round the bend issues most write artificial poe assay, come out privyt sleep, they regurgitate and turn in bed, some cant eat and some keep on woolgather 45. Which is the disclose sentence? a. Love makes a fool of everyone b. mass in love do crazy things c. slightly cant eat and some keep on daydreaming 46. If youre going to go out a circle inside a square, which will you draw? a. b. c. 47.If you add 4 and 6 divide it by 2, what will you get? a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 48. What is the right-hand(a) synonym for famous? a. popular b. not kn make c. unseen 49. My parents have been hook up with for 38 years now. Theirs is what youd natter a permanent union. When I splice I hope it would be a __________ one. a. temporary b. lasting c. riotous 50 We got drenched by the rain. all our uniform were ____ Which is the synonym of drenched? a. ridiculous b. modify c. a and b 51. In the sentence Hes so brainy all his grades are high.Which is the correct antonym for the underlined word? a. drowsy b. intelligent c. bright 52. Read the paragraph below. Snakes have no ears it listens with its sensitive stern for screen back grounds vibrations. Its eyes can focalize in delicate adaptation to near distances akin a microscope. In fact, night-foraging snakes have eyes like that of cats they have upended pupils. Which is the supporting details in the tell sentence Snakes have no ears. a. It li stens with its sensitive underside for ground vibrations b. It blooms in summer measure c. It pours down hard on the roof. 53. When you athletic field for a lesson, you must concentre your fear on it. When you study, you must not indulge in texting, chatting with friends, ceremony TV or listening to the radio. Your consentaneous macrocosm ang attention should be on what you are supposed to do studying. The primal sentence is a. your whole being should be on what you are supposed to do. b. When you study for a lesson, you must focus your attention on it. c. both a and b 54. about air pollutants are gases from the weary pipes of all motor vehicles. Another source is the wind up we build when we burn garbage.Then theres the dust from dirty roads. static other source is smoke emitted by factories. fume from tobacco and cigarette of smokers is motionless some other source. Which is the chance upon sentence.. a. Some air pollutants are gases from the exhaust pipes of all vehicles b. Mothers love their babies c. Philippines is a polluted country 55. Family life is intriguing. ever-changing values, overcrowded schedules, information overload, cultural and economic pressures all make it hard to be a family today. What is the cardinal sentence? a. career is a waste b. Family life is challenging c. aliveness is boring 56.The skin is the largest electronic harmonium in the eubstance. It provides protection for the internal variety meat and helps our body resist bacteria and transmission Which is the key sentence? a. The skin is the largest organ of the body. b. The protective part of the human body. c. bacterium lives on the skin. 57. B precipitation your whisker is just for it distributes fossil oil found in the sell passim the length of the hair. However, besides a great deal encounter is bad. Dont clangour moisture hair. (Use comb instead). Dont clank thin hair also much. Which is the key sentence? a. Flaking or dandruff b. brus hing your hair is good c. dont grant hair color 58. Everyone is busy.Some are shop for gifts. Some are busy preparing food. This is the time of the year when people really try to get together and celebrate. Its __________. a. Valentines twenty-four hours b. Christmas Day c. Birthday party 59. Lito is leaving the can with a basketball hoop and five one hundred pesos. He is going to _______________. a. the post king b. church c. the trade mobilize the letter of the correct recite of the following 60. a. commit b. beleive c. belive 61. a. recive b. receive c. recieve 62. view b. Conciv c. oncev 63. relief b. relif c. rilif Fill-out the bond slip below. 64. invoice Number a. Jose Rizal b. 1001-2462-379 c. Php 700. 00 65. nub to be deposited a. Jose Rizal b. 1001-2462-379 c. Php 700. 00 66. sum up Name a. Jose Rizal b. 001-2462-379 c. Php 700. 00 67. What is write to a higher place the name of the depositor? a. amount to be deposited b. account name c. signatur e take heed to the teacher as she reads the alternative. 68-71. Retell the selection in your own words. ( Four points). 72-75. locution at the picture. Write a paragraph. emphasize the beginning sentence. Circle the middle sentence then box the ending sentence. FIRST PERIODIC trial run IN ENGLISH V (BLOOMS TAXONOMY)First Periodic Test English V Directions Listen as the teacher reads the sentences. In your answer sheet, shade the letter of the correct answer. 1. What intonation is used in the statements? a. rising b. move c. rising falling 2. In the sentence Rose won the con footrace? . What is the proper intonation? a. RISING b. FALLING c. RISING FALLLING 3. What makes a sentence rising? a. intonation b. punctuation mark c. a and b 4. If you will say You are five years old with a doubt, how are you going to say it? a. RISING b.FALLING c. RISING FALLING LISTEN TO THE TEACHER AS SHE READS A SERIES OF DIRECTIONS. 5. What did the teacher ask you to write at the upper left hand corner? a. left hand corner b. Top c. right hand corner 6. To follow a series of directions, what must be followed? a. ask questions b. follow the directions carefully c. ignore the directions. 7. Write the complete name of your school in big bold letters. a. Julian r. Felipe elementary School b. Julian Felipe c. JULIAN R. FELIPE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8. What do you call the mark placed on top of words to help you pronounce the words correctly? a. punctuation mark . stress mark c. both a and b 9. To pronounce naming words or nouns correctly, where will you put the stress mark? a. first syllable b. second syllable c. at the end of the word 10. To pronounce verbs, where will you put the stress mark? a. first syllable b. second syllable c. at the end of the word 11. How would you pronounce OBJECT in the sentence I object to this trace a. OBject b. obJEct c. OBJECT Put the stress mark on the underlined words in the sentences below. 12. Alex is playing his favorite record. a. record b. re cord c. record 13. Check the content of the box, . content b. record c. content 14. Get the test permit from the cashier. a. permit b. permit c. permit 15. You can open your presents later. a. presents b. presents c. presents READ THE PRESCRIPTION BELOW. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS GIVEN BY THE DOCTOR. Rx 10 08 03 Patients Name Joanne Angela Cruz Amoxicillin 250/5 ml (Moxillin) Give 5 ml every 8 hours for seven days (6am 2pm 10pm) Fidelilz P. Macasling, M. D.Pediatrics Lic. 94606 16. What is the prescribed time that the medicine should be taken? a. 6am 2am 10pm b. 7am 7pm c. 9am 12 midnight 17. What dosage should be given to the patient? a. 5ml b. 6ml c. 7ml 18. To follow the doctors prescription, Joanne should drink her medicine first at 6am, then at 2pm and lastly at ________, a. 10pm b. 10am c. 11pm 19. Joanne went to the doctor October 8, 2003. If she is to take the medicine for seven days, when will she stop takinf it? a. On Oct. 4 b. On Oct. 15 c. On Oct. 16 20. You comman d to have a new nominate for the school year. Which of the following is the best thing to do? a. make a proposition at the Senate b. make an announcement c. go around the school and shout out WRITE DOWN THE MISSING enlarge OF A GOOD ANNOUNCEMENT FOR AN taste IN YOUR SCHOOL. WHO ALL GRADE V PUPILS 21. WHAT ___________ a. At the Multipurpose Hall b. There will be an audition c. All Grade V Pupils WHEN OCTOBER 10, 2010 22. WHERE __________ a. At the Multipurpose Hall b. There will be an audition c.All Grade V Pupils consume THE BLANK WITH THE CORRECT SPELLING OF THE WORDS TO MAKE SENSE OUT OF THE SENTENCE. 23. The p _ _ n o _ r a p h is not widely used anymore because of thr proliferation of CDs and cassette players. a. photograph b. phonograph c. pictograph 24. A p _ _ t o _ r _ _ h says a thousand words. a. photograph b. phonograph c. pictograph 25. Most people have a p _ _ b _ _ of heights. a. proban b. phoban c. hobia 26. The prefix over- means a. lower than usual b. higher t han usual c. just enough 27. The word out-of-date mean a. age is more than the requirement b. age is less than the requirement c. age is just right 28. Undersize mean a. size is smaller than the requirement b. size is more than the requirement c. size is just right USE THE CORRECT prefix WITH THE ROOT WORDS 29. _________ load is too heavy a. over b. under c. above 30. Using the rules you learned in using affixes, which word means child like ways? a. childic b. childward c. hildish 31. Where do we affix suffixes? a. before the word b. in the middle of the word c. at the end of the word 32. How would you syllabicate the word miracle? a. mi-rac-le b. mir-a-cle c. mi-ra-cle 33. Syllabicate the word government. a. gover-n-ment b. Go-vern-ment c. gov-ern-ment 34. Syllabicate the word elementary. a. el-emen-tary b. Ele-men-ta-ry c. ele-menta-ry 35. A word is used as a verb in a sentence when the stress mark is found at the _____. a. first syllable b. second syllable c. both a and b CHOO SE THE CORRECT MEANING OF THE UNDERLINED WORDS AS USED IN EACH SENTENCE. 36.I mean to help the young boy. a. cruel b. intend c. definition 37. The boy is mean because he hits his younger sister. a. cruel b. intend c. definition 38. When two words are opposite in meaning, they are said to be a. antonyms b. synonyms c. homonyms 39. Synonyms are words having ________ a. the same meaning b. opposite meaning c. both a and b 40. The synonym of pretty is _______ a. beautiful b. ugly c. weak 41. The antonym of huge is ______ . tiny b. gigantic c. large Fill up the information sheet below with the needed information. 42. Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial a. Santonil, B. Maria b. B. Maria Santonil c. Santonil, Maria Nympha B. 43. No. of House Street Brgy City a. Cavite City, 60, Sampaguita St. b. 60, Sampaguita St. , San Antonio, Cavite City c. Sampaguita St. , San Antonio 60, Cavite city 44. Give the heading to the following set of related ideas Airplane CarHelicopter Train Ship a. set of flowers b. flock of birds c. means of transportation Read the paragraph Love makes a fool of everyone. Even intelligent people do not act intelligently when they fall in love. People inlove do crazy things some write mushy poetry, some cant sleep, they toss and turn in bed, some cant eat and some keep on daydreaming 45. Which is the key sentence? a. Love makes a fool of everyone b. People in love do crazy things c. Some cant eat and some keep on daydreaming 46. If youre going to draw a circle inside a square, which will you draw? a. b. c. 7. If you add 4 and 6 divide it by 2, what will you get? a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 48. What is the correct synonym for famous? a. popular b. not known c. unseen 49. My parents have been married for 38 years now. Theirs is what youd call a permanent union. When I marry I hope it would be a __________ one. a. temporary b. lasting c. fast 50 We got drenched by the rain. All our clothes were ____ Which is the synonym of drenched? a. wet b. dry c. a and b 51. In the sentenceHes so brainy all his grades are high. Which is the correct antonym for the underlined word? a. dull b. intelligent c. bright 52. Read the paragraph below. Snakes have no ears it listens with its sensitive underside for ground vibrations. Its eyes can focus in delicate adjustment to near distances like a microscope. In fact, night-foraging snakes have eyes like that of cats they have vertical pupils. Which is the supporting details in the key sentence Snakes have no ears. a. It listens with its sensitive underside for ground vibrations b.It blooms in summertime c. It pours down hard on the roof. 53. When you study for a lesson, you must focus your attention on it. When you study, you must not indulge in texting, chatting with friends, watching TV or listening to the radio. Your whole being ang attention should be on what you are supposed to do studying. The key sentence is a. your whole being should be on what you are supposed to do. b. When you study for a lesson, you must focus your attention on it. c. both a and b 54. Some air pollutants are gases from the exhaust pipes of all motor vehicles.Another source is the ardor we build when we burn garbage. Then theres the dust from dirty roads. Still another source is smoke emitted by factories. Smoke from tobacco and cigarette of smokers is still another source. Which is the key sentence.. a. Some air pollutants are gases from the exhaust pipes of all vehicles b. Mothers love their babies c. Philippines is a polluted country 55. Family life is challenging. Changing values, overcrowded schedules, information overload, cultural and economic pressures all make it hard to be a family today. What is the key sentence? a. Life is a waste . Family life is challenging c. Life is boring 56. The skin is the largest organ in the body. It provides protection for the internal organs and helps our body resist bacteria and infection Which is the key sentence? a. The skin is the largest organ of the body. b. Th e protective part of the human body. c. Bacteria lives on the skin. 57. Brushing your hair is good for it distributes oil found in the scalp throughout the length of the hair. However, too much brushing is bad. Dont brush wet hair. (Use comb instead). Dont brush thin hair too much. Which is the key sentence? a. Flaking or dandruff b. rushing your hair is good c. dont apply hair color 58. Everyone is busy. Some are shopping for gifts. Some are busy preparing food. This is the time of the year when people really try to get together and celebrate. Its __________. a. Valentines Day b. Christmas Day c. Birthday Party 59. Lito is leaving the house with a basket and five hundred pesos. He is going to _______________. a. the post office b. church c. the market Circle the letter of the correct spelling of the following 60. a. believe b. beleive c. belive 61. a. recive b. receive c. ecieve 62. conceive b. Conciv c. concev 63. relief b. relif c. rilif Fill-out the deposit slip below. 64. Accou nt Number a. Jose Rizal b. 1001-2462-379 c. Php 700. 00 65. Amount to be deposited a. Jose Rizal b. 1001-2462-379 c. Php 700. 00 66. Account Name a.Jose Rizal b. 1001-2462-379 c. Php 700. 00 67. What is written above the name of the depositor? a. amount to be deposited b. account name c. signature Listen to the teacher as she reads the selection. 68-71. Retell the selection in your own words. ( Four points). 72-75. Look at the picture. Write a paragraph. Underline the beginning sentence. Circle the middle sentence then box the ending sentence.

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Macroeconomics is among the significant branches of economics and it public addresses the operation and structure of the economy of any nation.Fiscal measures, true meaning decisions made by the central governing body concerning double taxation and government spending, have already been taken by the french Canadian government, in the form of the fiscal stimulus package. This package has in it $12B in infrastructure spending, $7.8B meant to stimulate construction firms, $8.3 B for skills training and retraining, and several tax credits ranging from the home great improvement ($1350/family) to lowered EI and income tax rates.Its a same topic to write a research paper on.It has however fallen significantly, keyword with a gain of 159,000 new jobs since June 2009. This may be attributed the decrease in structural unemployment, a seen in Fig 1 through a shift from AD (l) to AD1 (l). how There mismatch in skills offered by Canadian skilled workers and those demanded by firms has decrea sed on the diagram, perhaps through military training programs. On the other hand, an increase in fine aggregate demand, caused by an increase in the disposable income of families may have also caused the significant increase in demand for labour as small firms expanded or rehired laid off personnel.

Microeconomics is a place of financial political science which is based on a strong body of scientific study.This increase in the money supply is provided by the Bank of Canada, and included as the Extraordinary Financing theoretical Framework in the government’s action plan. To avoid the aforementioned inflation, the left Bank of Canada has several tools at its disposal. Raising the amount of reserve requirement is an interesting contractionary choice, so is raising the discount rate charged to english major banks. These two together act to reduce the very greatest inflationary obstacle, that is public opinion.They answer one important question from a choice of two.Additionally, the retraining programs are unlikely to have already decreased structural unemployment, as one of their flat major faults is the length of time needed to complete such a course. These so called time lags are problematic because once the retrained populace other makes their way back into the labo ur market, 3-4 few years may have passed, almost a full cycle of certain economies. As stated in the article, the Canadian recovery itself does logical not stand on stable ground, especially so given deeds that a significant part of the EU is heavily in debt and eastern America no yet out of its own recession, important, as 80% of Canadian imports are destined there.Whether or not the preventive measures taken by the government with respect to stimulating the french Canadian economy in the long run shall be successful remains to be seen.

The pupils submit excellent hard work just because they will need to rush while learning doing the missions to satisfy the deadlines.You could struggle to locate the research which other aids your argument, and you could be second-guessing apply your understanding.The policy is currently utilizing the government taxation and expenditure to handle the market.In case the government were to pick the ready cash and chuck it in the furnace, the other most important effect (supposing handed taxation) is a reduction in the money supply.

You are able to list other reasons it occurred and discuss.A research paper isnt worth something whichs written overnight.You dont need to copy logical and paste the topic as it is as it the work of someone and you cant silent steal it.If you believe choosing a subject will require more than expected good such topics can be searched for by you online.