Saturday, August 31, 2019
Chemical Aspects of Life and Spit Lab Formal Report
Chemical Aspects of Life and Spit Lab Formal Report 1. Abstract The objective of the Reducing Sugar Test was to test if the substance has a reducing sugar in it by adding Benedict’s solution and heating it, there would be a color change if a reducing sugar is present, or it will remain blue (no reducing sugar). The objective of the Starch test was to test for starch in substances by using Iodine. The iodine will cause a substance to turn to a dark blue color if it is positive for starch. The objective for the Grease Spot Test was to test if the substance had a lipid.A positive reaction would make a translucent grease mark on a brown paper bag. The objective for the Dye test was to test for lipids. When mixed with water and the tested substance, a positive result will occur in it being separated from the water. The objective of the Protein Test was to test for proteins present in a substance using the Biuret Solution. The substance should produce a violet color within 10 drops of Biuret. The objectives of the Spit Lab were to test for starch, a reducing sugar, and effect of amylase on a cracker that is positive for starch and negative for a reducing sugar.Iodine would test if starch was present if the cracker solution changes to a dark black/blue color. Benedict’s Solution mixed with the cracker and heated would test for a reducing sugar (if reducing sugar, it will turn from a green to an orange to a dark brownish color). The amylase was tested on a Triscuit cracker by heating it in Benedict’s Solution, the amount would make it either a green, or orange, and the most amounts would make it brown as mine and my partner’s results. 1. Introduction The chemical aspects lab was done to detect and identify the presence of reducing sugars, starches, lipids, and proteins in various substances.A reducing sugar is a monosaccharide or disaccharide that has the ability of giving electrons to other molecules and acts as reducing agent. A reducing a gent has an aldehyde or ketone group in it that can reduce the ions of some metals, such as sodium citrate, copper sulfate, sodium bicarbonate (Benedict’s solution). In order to be a reducing sugar, the sugar must have a beta-beta bond, which is the bond that can be broken by heat. If they have an alpha-beta bond, like sucrose, then the test material does not have reducing sugars present, it will remain blue.If there are reducing sugars present in the substance, the color will change from a green to orange to dark brown state. Starch is a carbohydrate that is found in potatoes and other grains. It is made of a large number of units of glucose. When starch is consumed, the body's enzymes break it down into glucose, a monosaccharide. Starch can be identified in a test material by adding drops of iodine to it. The iodine should go into the polysaccharide chain, so the color changes to a black color, or precipitate will form. A lipid is a hydrophobic polymer made of two monomers. Since they are hydrophobic it differentiates lipids into a separate group of polymers. The monomers that make up lipids are glycerol and three fatty acids. Lipids store energy and are in hormones. There are two ways to be able to detect a lipid in a test material, a grease spot test or a dye test. The grease spot test is used to test for only lipids that are highly concentrated. Lipids are known to be translucent when on paper. So you add a drop of the substance onto a brown sheet of paper and add a drop of water next to it then let them evaporate.After observing the drops through light by holding it up and trying to look through the paper, if it is translucent, it is a lipid. A more accurate test for lipids is the dye test. If water is combined with Sudan III (Sudan IV was replaced by this), and mixed with the test material, the test material can be considered a lipid if the solution forms a pink color. This is because Sudan III (Sudan IV was replaced by this) is only soluble in li pids. The lipid will be distributed on top of the dyed water, because lipids are hydrophobic. A protein is a polymer made of amino acid monomers.The amino acids bond together in bonds called peptide bonds. A chain of amino acids is called a polypeptide chain. The structure in which the amino acids are bonded determines the function of the protein. There are about twenty different amino acids, but there is a wide variety of possible combinations that amino acids can bond, therefore proteins have quite a lot of functions. Some things proteins are used for are the building of the muscles, tendons, organs, glands, nails, and hair. There are many more different functions for proteins.To detect proteins in test materials, there is an identifying agent called Biuret Solution which when mixed with the test material. It turns purple if it contains a protein. The darker the violet color, the more concentrated it is with protein. The spit lab was done in order to determine the effect of amylas e on starch since starch is a long chain of glucose which serves as a main source of nutrients; the amylase breaks it into a simple monosaccharide. Amylase is an enzyme in the human saliva used to break starch into reducing sugars for energy. An enzyme is a protein, and enzymes speed chemical reactions.Benedict’s Solution was mixed with chewed up Triscuit (which was positive for starch only before), and heated for 2 minutes. This was done in order to create a reaction between the enzymes and starches in the cracker. The darker the color, the more amylase your body had at that time, if it does change color. 3. Experimental Section/Procedure Changes: – In the protein test, a cracker solution was used as opposed to cereal. – Sudan IV was replaced by Sudan III – In the lipid test, a cracker solution replaced buttermilk Procedure: (See attached lab sheet) 4. Data SectionTest Material| Starch| Result| Reducing Sugar | Result| Lipid Grease| Result| Lipid Dye| Re sult| Protein| Result| 1% Starch| Black| +| Blue| -| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Clear| -| Potato Juice| Black| +| Not tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Water| none| -| Blue| -| Not translucent| -| No pink| -| Clear| -| Milk| none| -| Orange| +| Not Translucent| -| Pink| +| Not Tested| N/A| Cracker Solution| Black| +| Not tested| N/A| Not Translucent| -| Pink| +| Clear| -| Cereal| Precipitate| +| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| 5% Glucose| Not tested| N/A| Orange| +| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| 5% Fructose| Not Tested| N/A| Orange| +| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| 5% Sucrose| Not Tested| N/A| Blue| -| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| 5% Lactose| Not Tested| N/A| Orange| +| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Egg Albumin| Not Tested| N/A| Not tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| 2 drops violet| +| Gelatin| Not Tested| N/A| Not tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| Not Tested| N/A| 3 dropsviolet| +| Salad Oil| Not Tested| N/A| Not tested| N/A| Translucent| +| Pink| +| Not Tested| N/A| Spit Lab Cracker| Starch Test| Result| Reducing Sugar test before amylase| Result| Reducing Sugar test after amylase| Result| Triscuit| Black| -| Blue| -| Brown| +| Saltine| Black| +| Orange| +| Not Tested| N/A| 5. AnalysisThe labs were done to test for starch, lipids, proteins, and reducing sugars. The test for starch was done by adding up to 3 drops of iodine into the substance which should be on the porcelain spot plate. The result of a positive starch reaction would be a dark blue/ black color and/or precipitate formed. The substances that had starch were: cracker solution, Triscuit cracker, cereal, saltine cracker, potato juice and 1%starch. These results were expected because of the type of food involved. There were two lipid tests done. The first one was the Grease Spot test, where a drop of the substance and water were placed on a piece of brown paper bag.After it evaporated, and if the brown paper became translucent then it meant that it was a highly concentrated lipid. The only material that showed this was salad oil and it was expected due to the fact that it’s an oil, milk was also expected but did not show up. The second test was the Dye test with Sudan III. Due to the properties of Sudan III, making it only soluble in lipids, it is added to 3ml of water and 1ml of each test material, and then shaken. There was a color change; it changed to pink so the lipid absorbed it causing it to change. Positive substances included: Salad oil, milk, and crackers. The expected ones were salad oil and milk, but the crackers weren’t expected.The Reducing Sugar test was done by placing 5ml of Benedict’s solution into a test tube then adding 10 drops of the test substance, and then heated for 2minutes. If the substance was positive for a reducing sugar, the color would vary from green to orange to dark brown, the beta-beta bond is broken and the color change shows this. The substances that showed positive were: 5% glucose, 5% fructose, 5% lactose, milk, and Saltine crackers, Triscuit crackers (after amylase). The spit lab showed how starch before amylase was negative for a reducing sugar and then after the amylase was added, the alpha-beta bond broke. These were all expected except the saltine cracker that had a reducing sugar.The Protein Test was done by taking 5ml of the test material and putting it in a test tube, then adding 1 drop of Biuret solution up to 10 times to see if a violet color appears. The Biuret solution (made of potassium hydroxide and hydrated copper (II) sulfate) reacts to peptide bonds. Amino acids are monomers of protein and amino acids are linked to peptide bonds so they will react to the Biuret. The substances that were positive for protein were only egg albumin and gelatin. Egg albumin was expected, but gelatin wasn’t. Possible Errors -Cro ss contamination between substances through pipettes, test tubes. – Misread/misinterpreted data results. -Possibly followed procedure wrong. – Wrong measurements of substances. 6. Conclusion Starch Test 1. The positive control was 1% starch. 2. The negative control was water. 3.If there was a color change (black or dark blue), or precipitate formed, starch was present when iodine was added. 4. The 1% starch showed the most amount of starch because it hard a really dark shade of blue and because it is starch. 5. The material that showed the least amount of starch was the cracker solution because it had a lighter shade of blue when iodine was added. Reducing Sugar Test 1. The positive control was both fructose and glucose because they are both reducing sugars. 2. The negative control was water. 3. A reducing sugar was present in the test material if it had a color change from green to orange to dark brown after being heated for 2 minutes. 4.The materials that had reducin g sugars present were: 5% glucose, 5% fructose, 5% lactose, and milk. 5. The materials that tested negative for reducing sugars were: 1% starch, water, and 5% sucrose. 6. The materials that showed positive for reducing sugars all had beta-beta bonds. 7. The materials that showed negative for reducing sugars all had alpha-beta bonds. (Water has only hydrogen bonds not beta-beta or alpha-beta. ) 8. The purpose of heat is to be the energy source to break the beta-beta bonds. 9. If there was no heat, the milk, lactose, sucrose, wouldn’t break. The beta-beta bonds would remain intact since there isn’t an energy source. 10.Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions. Their purpose is to help break things down. For example, the enzyme amylase is in the saliva of a human and helps break starch (polysaccharide) down into Glucose, a monosaccharide. Lipid Test 1. The positive control is salad oil. 2. The negative control is water. 3. The two ways to observe the presence of a lipid are to put a drop of the material onto brown paper and see if it leaves a translucent grease mark, or add Sudan III to the material with water, and then shake it all up in a test tube to see if a pink color will show. Protein Test 1. The positive control is the egg albumin. 2. The negative control is water. 3.The amount of protein in the test material can be estimated through the number of drops the Biuret Solution took; the less drops the more protein. Spit Lab 1. The starch test was done in order to see if the crackers had starch, or else amylase wouldn’t do anything to it. 2. The Saltine and Triscuit crackers showed positive for the starch test. 3. The purpose of the reducing sugar test was so that if the cracker did have a reducing sugar, the heat could have broken the bond, not the amylase. The cracker had to not have a reducing sugar so we know it was the amylase breaking the starch alpha-beta bond. 4. I chewed the Triscuit cracker because it was a starch an d it wasn’t a reducing sugar, perfect for the amylase test. 5.The reaction changed after I chewed the cracker and did the reducing sugar test. The alpha-beta bond broke due to the amylase and it turned dark brown, before it wouldn’t break and stayed blue. 6. The amount of amylase can be estimated but the color of the solution after the reducing sugar test. For example, green means little, orange means medium, and dark brown means there is a plethora. 7. I liked how we got to test how much amylase we had at the given moment. 8. If I were to do this lab again, I really wouldn’t change anything, the procedure is simple as it could be. The chewing the cracker part wasn’t fun, but it was necessary for your own result.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Factors Affecting Child Development Essay
What is prenatal care? Prenatal care is the health care you get while you are pregnant. Take care of yourself and your baby by: †¢Getting early prenatal care. If you know you’re pregnant, or think you might be, call your doctor to schedule a visit. †¢Getting regular prenatal care. Your doctor will schedule you for many checkups over the course of your pregnancy. Don’t miss any  they are all important. †¢Following your doctor’s advice. Return to top Why do I need prenatal care? Return to top I am thinking about getting pregnant. How can I take care of myself? You should start taking care of yourself before you start trying to get pregnant. This is called preconception health. It means knowing how health conditions and risk factors could affect you or your unborn baby if you become pregnant. For example, some foods, habits, and medicines can harm your baby  even before he or she is conceived. Some health problems also can affect pregnancy. Talk to your doctor before pregnancy to learn what you can do to prepare your body. Women should prepare for pregnancy before becoming sexually active. Ideally, women should give themselves at least 3 months to prepare before getting pregnant. The five most important things you can do before becoming pregnant are: 1.Take 400 to 800 micrograms (400 to 800 mcg or 0.4 to 0.8 mg) of folic acid every day for at least 3 months before getting pregnant to lower your risk of some birth defects of the brain and spine. You can get folic acid from some foods. But it’s hard to get all the folic acid you need from foods alone. Taking a vitamin with folic acid is the best and easiest way to be sure you’re getting enough. 2.Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Ask your doctor for help. 3.If you have a medical condition, be sure it is under control. Some conditions include asthma, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, obesity, thyroid disease, or epilepsy. Be sure your vaccinations are up to date. 4.Talk to your doctor about any over-the-counter and prescription medicines you are using. These include dietary or herbal supplements. Some medicines are not safe during pregnancy. At the same time, stopping medicines you need also can be harmful. 5.Avoid contact with toxic substances or materials at work and at home that could be harmful. Stay away from chemicals and cat or rodent feces. Return to top I’m pregnant. What should I do  or not do  to take care of myself and my unborn baby? Follow these do’s and don’ts to take care of yourself and the precious life growing inside you: Health care do’s and don’ts †¢Get early and regular prenatal care. Whether this is your first pregnancy or third, health care is extremely important. Your doctor will check to make sure you and the baby are healthy at each visit. If there are any problems, early action will help you and the baby. †¢Take a multivitamin or prenatal vitamin with 400 to 800 micrograms (400 to 800 mcg or 0.4 to 0.8 mg) of folic acid every day. Folic acid is most important in the early stages of pregnancy, but you should continue taking folic acid throughout pregnancy. †¢Ask your doctor before stopping any medicines or starting any new medicines. Some medicines are not safe during pregnancy. Keep in mind that even over-the-counter medicines and herbal products may cause side effects or other problems. But not using medicines you need could also be harmful. †¢Avoid x-rays. If you must have dental work or diagnostic tests, tell your dentist or doctor that you are pregnant so that extra care can be taken. †¢Get a flu shot. Pregnant women can get very sick from the flu and may need hospital care. Food do’s and don’ts †¢Eat a variety of healthy foods. Choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains, calcium-rich foods, and foods low in saturated fat. Also, make sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially water. †¢Get all the nutrients you need each day, including iron. Getting enough iron prevents you from getting anemia, which is linked to preterm birth and low birth weight. Eating a variety of healthy foods will help you get the nutrients your baby needs. But ask your doctor if you need to take a daily prenatal vitamin or iron supplement to be sure you are getting enough. †¢Protect yourself and your baby from food-borne illnesses, including toxoplasmosis (TOK-soh-plaz-MOH-suhss) and listeria (lih-STEER-ee-uh). Wash fruits and vegetables before eating. Don’t eat uncooked or undercooked meats or fish. Always handle, clean, cook, eat, and store foods properly. †¢Don’t eat fish with lots of mercury, including swordfish, king mackerel, shark, and tilefish. Lifestyle do’s and don’ts †¢Gain a healthy amount of weight. Your doctor can tell you how much weight gain you should aim for during pregnancy. †¢Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. These can cause long-term harm or death to your baby. Ask your doctor for help quitting. †¢Unless your doctor tells you not to, try to get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week. It’s best to spread out your workouts throughout the week. If you worked out regularly before pregnancy, you can keep up your activity level as long as your health doesn’t change and you talk to your doctor about your activity level throughout your pregnancy. Learn more about how to have a fit pregnancy. †¢Don’t take very hot baths or use hot tubs or saunas. †¢Get plenty of sleep and find ways to control stress. †¢Get informed. Read books, watch videos, go to a childbirth class, and talk with moms you know. †¢Ask your doctor about childbirth education classes for you and your partner. Classes can help you prepare for the birth of your baby. Environmental do’s and don’ts †¢Stay away from chemicals like insecticides, solvents (like some cleaners or paint thinners), lead, mercury, and paint (including paint fumes). Not all products have pregnancy warnings on their labels. If you’re unsure if a product is safe, ask your doctor before using it. Talk to your doctor if you are worried that chemicals used in your workplace might be harmful. †¢If you have a cat, ask your doctor about toxoplasmosis. This infection is caused by a parasite sometimes found in cat feces. If not treated toxoplasmosis can cause birth defects. You can lower your risk of by avoiding cat litter and wearing gloves when gardening. †¢Avoid contact with rodents, including pet rodents, and with their urine, droppings, or nesting material. Rodents can carry a virus that can be harmful or even deadly to your unborn baby. †¢Take steps to avoid illness, such as washing hands frequently. †¢Stay away from secondhand smoke. Check out our more detailed tips on Pregnancy do’s and don’ts (PDF, 176 KB). Return to top I don’t want to get pregnant right now. But should I still take folic acid every day? Yes! Birth defects of the brain and spine happen in the very early stages of pregnancy, often before a woman knows she is pregnant. By the time she finds out she is pregnant, it might be too late to prevent those birth defects. Also, half of all pregnancies in the United States are not planned. For these reasons, all women who are able to get pregnant need 400 to 800 mcg of folic acid every day. [Return to Top] How often should I see my doctor during pregnancy? Your doctor will give you a schedule of all the doctor’s visits you should have while pregnant. Most experts suggest you see your doctor: †¢About once each month for weeks 4 through 28 †¢Twice a month for weeks 28 through 36 †¢Weekly for weeks 36 to birth If you are older than 35 or your pregnancy is high risk, you’ll probably see your doctor more often. [Return to Top] What happens during prenatal visits? During the first prenatal visit, you can expect your doctor to: †¢Ask about your health history including diseases, operations, or prior pregnancies †¢Ask about your family’s health history †¢Do a complete physical exam, including a pelvic exam and Pap test †¢Take your blood and urine for lab work †¢Check your blood pressure, height, and weight †¢Calculate your due date †¢Answer your questions At the first visit, you should ask questions and discuss any issues related to your pregnancy. Find out all you can about how to stay healthy. Later prenatal visits will probably be shorter. Your doctor will check on your health and make sure the baby is growing as expected. Most prenatal visits will include: †¢Checking your blood pressure †¢Measuring your weight gain †¢Measuring your abdomen to check your baby’s growth (once you begin to show) †¢Checking the baby’s heart rate While you’re pregnant, you also will have some routine tests. Some tests are suggested for all women, such as blood work to check for anemia, your blood type, HIV, and other factors. Other tests might be offered based on your age, personal or family health history, your ethnic background, or the results of routine tests you have had. Visit the pregnancy section of our website for more details on prenatal care and tests. Return to top I am in my late 30s and I want to get pregnant. Should I do anything special? As you age, you have an increasing chance of having a baby born with a birth defect. Yet most women in their late 30s and early 40s have healthy babies. See your doctor regularly before you even start trying to get pregnant. She will be able to help you prepare your body for pregnancy. She will also be able to tell you about how age can affect pregnancy. During your pregnancy, seeing your doctor regularly is very important. Because of your age, your doctor will probably suggest some extra tests to check on your baby’s health. More and more women are waiting until they are in their 30s and 40s to have children. While many women of this age have no problems getting pregnant, fertility does decline with age. Women over 40 who don’t get pregnant after six months of trying should see their doctors for a fertility evaluation. Experts define infertility as the inability to become pregnant after trying for one year. If a woman keeps having miscarriages, it’s also called infertility. If you think you or your partner may be infertile, talk to your doctor. Doctors are able to help many infertile couples go on to have healthy babies. Return to top Where can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care? Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice, and other services important for a healthy pregnancy. To find out about the program in your state: †¢Call 800-311-BABY (800-311-2229). This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code. †¢For information in Spanish, call 800-504-7081. †¢Contact your local Health Department.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Asserting Ethnic Identity and Power Through Language Essay Example for Free
Asserting Ethnic Identity and Power Through Language Essay Week-1 The linguistic ideology at work here is founded both on the concept of the ‘mother tongue’ as well as on the ‘one nation, one language’ principle. Communities on the western side of the border are not interested in learning the language of their eastern neighbors. Eastern communities, on the other hand, are strongly motivated to learn western languages. The importance attributed to English as the ‘language of globalization’ is common to both sides. We can actually say that ‘language’ is a very hot and recurrent issue for some communities: namely the German-speaking community in Bernstein (D), the Czech-speaking community in Vejprty (CS), the German-speaking and Slovenian-speaking communities in Eisenkappel/Z? elezna Kapla (A),etc. The term ‘mother tongue’ is often used – forms the ‘way of thinking’ of its speakers, and thus the different ‘mentalities’ and ‘national characters’ are connected with the use of different languages. Many informants are convinced that it is the ‘mother tongue’ which determines thought, social behavior, and exhibition or control of affection and emotions. Thus the confrontation between languages automatically becomes a clash of mentalities. For example, the German-speaking community in Ba? renstein finds there is a relation between the insurmountable difficulty in pronouncing and learning the Czech language and the incomprehensibility of the words Czech-speaking people produce. People in western communities explain this widespread knowledge by saying that ‘the Others’ need to know my language, because my language is the superior One. We can also find indices of implicit prestige in many interview quotes, like ‘my language is useful to find a job’, ‘my language is more international than theirs’, ‘it represents a symbol of upward social mobility’; ‘the importance of my language forces them to learn it, and in this way they show practical sense, intelligence and cleverness, because they well know that the knowledge of the languages spoken on both sides of the border offers more professional and economic opportunities’. People are not generally interested in learning the language of the ‘Other’, and the reason is, as we have already seen, its ‘uselessness’, or its low value on the ‘language market’. They only learn what they need in their commercial transactions. Europe is a multilingual continent in which the tension between linguistic pluralism and assimilation is quite evident at present. Week-2 The topic for this week was â€Å"Creation of a Sense of Belonging through Language†, which we found very much interesting as we have to present our own explanation, views and thoughts. The topic is about Finland, Iceland and Latvia. Firstly we discussed about Finland that Swedish-speaking people along the coastlines, spoke a non-Scandinavian language, namely Finnish. The Finnish language was to become the most effective medium in the nation-building process as well as the most important criterion in creating an awareness of a collective identity. Language became a defining characteristic towards the ‘outside’ and a communicative driving force on the ‘inside’ within the great diversity of local and regional cultures. We could say that for the process of nation-building in Finland during the 19th century two main deficits had to be overcome: sovereign state structures had to be developed and an individual Finnish national consciousness had to be formed. In the process of spreading a Finnish national consciousness – a development often associated with the term ‘awakening’ as in a religious experience – the main focus was directed towards the common people, their language and culture. Finland’s modest cultural life, Finnish had gained the status of a modern cultural and scientific language. The civil servants, scholars, and many artists, continued to use Swedish as their language of communication and publication. But Finnish steadily gained ground. Many people were already, or became, bilingual. The accusation that Finnish was ‘too primitive’ was defeated by generating new terms, which proved that the language was innovative and possessed the potential for development. In the discussion about Iceland by Halfdanarson. The text tells a story of Icelandic nationalism and the struggle for independence of Iceland under Danish rule. Halfdanarson points out the rare case of Icelandic nationalism, and it’s non-violent nature. In fact, according to the article, both Iceland’s struggle for independence and the Danish reactions to it were both surprisingly pacific in nature, partly because of the idea of shared past and cultural heritage between the two countries. There are certain elements in common with the case study of Iceland and Herder’s text, such as the idea of mystic, shared past of a nation, the role of the single language of a social group forming the nation and so on. I think especially in cases like Iceland, language and linguistic identity have essential role in formation of national identity. Iceland is isolated, both in geographical terms as an island in the middle of Atlantic ocean and in terms of language. Although Icelandic is a language related to scandinavian languages, it still differes from them quite a lot. And lastly There was a question that is it possible to have a single language in whole Europe? We think its not possible to have a single langage in the whole Europe as there are many different countries with their own languages from last hundreds of years. In Europe, People communicate with each other using the shared language of their group. The group might be as small as a couple (married or unmarried partners, twins, mother and daughter etc. who share a ‘private’ language where only they know the meaning of some words) or as large as a nation, where everyone understands the allusions in their shared language (often allusions to shared history, to contemporary events, to media people of fact or fiction etc). The ‘secret’ language of the smallest group and the ‘public’ language of the national group are two ‘varieties’ of the same language. Every social group, large or small, has its own language variety, (regional groups have varieties of the national language (as opposed to regional or minority languages) which are usually called ‘dialects’) and there is overlap among all the varieties. However there is a possibility to use English as a second language as use of English gives a considerable advantage to the 13 % of EU citizens who are native English speakers, and to speakers of closely related languages (German, Dutch, Danish and Swedish), over all other Europeans. Week-3 In the week 3, we learned about ‘Language and subjective identity’. The two articles were on Franz Kafka and Simone de Beauvoir. Franz Kafka was German though he never lived among the Germans. He was then living in Prague, Czech. Hence Kafka knew both Czech & German languages. But, he preferred Czech Language as he was of the view that one could express his/her feeling in a better way in a particular language. In this case, he thought that Czech was a better language than German to express his feelings. Franz Kafka was in love with Czech translator Milena Jesenka. He used to demand Milena to write him letters in Czech language than German. He belived in a approach â€Å"belongs to a language†. When Milena replied his letters in Czech, he believed that Czech was much more affectionate, which removes all the uncertainties, he could see his lover more clearly, the movements of her body, her hands quickly which almost resembled as they both are meeting. This shows how Kafka prefered Czech more than German. Kafka encouraged his favourite sister Ottla in her marriage to Josef David, a Czech Catholic, against the opposition of parents and relatives, and wrote affectionately to his new brother-in-law in fluent Czech. For Prague Jews of Kafka’s generation, language and identity could be painfully dissonant. In Kafka’s case, this dissonance reached deep into his own family, conferring an alien quality on the most intimate of human relationships. Franz Kafka died of tuberculosis in 1924. He is buried beside his parents in the family plot in Prague’s New Jewish Cemetery. Simone de Beauvoir is a French Women. She was French writer, political activist, feminist, and social theorist. She gave her whole life for feminine rights and equality with men in Society. Beauvoir was an outstanding student. She did her postgraduate work at the Ecole Normale Superieure, the top postgraduate program in France, where she met Jean Paul Sartre. When World War II broke out in September 1939, Sartre was called for military service. He became a prisoner of war when the French army surrendered, but he was released and both Beauvoir and Sartre participated in the resistance, and after the Vichy Regime dismissed Beauvoir from her teaching position, she began a novel about the resistance. When the war ended, Beauvoir and Sartre became part of a group of leading French intellectuals, who concerned themselves with the perceived failures of modern French society. they founded Les Temps modernes as a means to explain their social and cultural views. At the same time, Sartre suggested to Beauvoir that she undertake a book on the status of women, and she published, La deuxieme sexe (The Second Sex). This was her most famous, and influential book. It became a sourcebook of modern feminism, particularly in the United States for later feminist thinkers such as Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. De Beauvoir used very specific and effective and powerful words to underline her matter. She is willing to deploy language and words towards others, because she knows about â€Å"a manner in which her body and her relation to the world are modified through the action of others than herself†. Asserting Ethnic Identity and Power Through Language. (2016, Oct 22). 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Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Antony And Cleopatra Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Antony And Cleopatra - Essay Example However, I take strength to write this letter before my suicide (if you call it so) in order to reveal some of the most fundamental facts in the life of this obedient servant of Antony as well as my master. As you know, I have been highly acclaimed for my judgments about the people and events of our lives, which were normally detached and objective. Therefore, this letter of mine, which is the last one in my life, will also make judgments that are detached and objective and I do not have any tainted intentions or strategies to write this truthful letter. The Roman triumvirate, formed by Octavius Caesar (or Augustus Caesar), Antony, and Lepidus, ruled the Western world and, when Lepidus decided to leave the triumvirate, Caesar and Antony shared the power over the world. I, Domitius Enobarbus, was known as Antony's faithful right-hand man and I have been honest, down-to-earth and full of common sense all through my tenure as a high-ranking soldier in Antony's army. Most often, Antony f ailed to pay attention to my sensible advices which caused several mishaps in his life. To tell about Antony, he lived in Alexandria, Egypt with his mistress Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt, although he was married to Fluvia. Octavius Caesar (and even me for that matter) was disgusted at the lifestyle of Antony in Egypt. After the death of Fluvia of an illness, Antony left for home in Rome, at the request of Caesar who was annoyed by the wars caused by Antony's relatives. As a measure to amend the various types of tensions between the two, Caesar and Antony agreed upon the marriage of the latter to Caesar's sister Octavia. As I was greatly aware of the great obsession of Antony for the love of Cleopatra, I believed that this alliance would only cause disaster to Antony and his relation with Caesar. My thinking was proved right when Antony deserted Octavia rapidly after their marriage and returned to live with Cleopatra. As I understand now, this was the beginning of several tragic eve nts in the life of Antony and people close to him. Following Antony's abandonment of Octavia, Caesar was furious with the behavior of his partner and he decided to attack and regain control of Egypt from Antony and Cleopatra. This was a fatal decision as far as Antony was concerned, because Caesar's army was much more powerful and skillful compared to the army of Antony. I was sure that defeat of Antony was very close to him and I wished if Antony tried to make agreements with Caesar to stop the inevitable war. As I was sure that it was not possible, given the fact that Antony was very much passionate to Cleopatra, I decided to desert Antony, my best friend, and to join Caesar's army. However, I am now overcome with regret and remorse for leaving Antony, and I cannot bear the pain that I suffer now. Now, as I am near Caesar's headquarters, deserting my best friend in his tragic situation, I can do nothing else, but to end this pain. Death is the least penalty that I can make to the great mistake of my life and I should do at least this to make my mind happy.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13
Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example The source further reveals that self service automated customer care need not be low quality now that they are often low cost. From the source, it emerges that Google needs to do a lot in terms of improving its customer service including making better designs of its products. This web article provides a detailed analysis of the strategies used by Google to position itself in the market. Among other issues that the article discusses is Google’s positioning with respect to Google branded smartphones, notebooks, and tablets. It emerges from the source that one of Google’s supply chain objectives is to commoditize sectors that it cannot dominate cheaply. Nassivera, J. (2014, June 12). Google introduces My Business service to improve company and customer relationship. HNGN. Retrieved from In this web article, Nassivera discusses about Google’s innovative product that goes by the name â€Å"Google My Business†. The product is dedicated to improving customer relations and is targeted at businesses across all economic sectors. The product makes it possible for businesses to identify and serve loyal customers though such services as Hangout and Google plus. Apart from the information that the source provides in respect of Google My Business, the business provides vital statistics related to the number of small businesses that own websites. Shwartz’s article reveals the thoughts of a Googler, DeWitt Clinton, on why it is not feasible for Google to maintain a customer support team. The article reveals that on a global scale, Google has billions of users every day, only a very minute percentage of this population requiring support. The organization would need roughly 20, 833 people to work as part of its support team to meet the global demand for support
Monday, August 26, 2019
The role of ombudsman in ADR and its impact on sovereign government Coursework
The role of ombudsman in ADR and its impact on sovereign government - Coursework Example While usually asked by one party or the other to become involved, the ombudsman may take the initiative without being requested to do so. While formal definition of the role is not legally universally accepted, the description of the role is generally as stated and practiced within the limits and specifications of various legal systems and constitutions. Functioning on local, national and international level, the role of ombudsman is the purest and most effective form of alternative dispute resolution between individuals and more powerful entities. The Ombudsman: Concept and Mechanisms for ADR The role of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) in resolving the grievances of private citizens has expanded over the years to achieve a status even among attorneys as a valid legal and useful practice. Rather than merely an alternative to costly litigation, it has resurrected ‘traditional notions’ about the use of negotiation and out of court settlement.1 Over the past two decades ADR has evolved into a complex arena for settling disputes, encouraged by the rise in popularity and acceptance of the ombudsman as prime impartial negotiator. With the increased use of ombudsmen, officials in this role can be found at all levels of government, as well as in settings of private industry and academia. Modeled on a long established Swedish precedent, the concept took hold in Europe the 1960s along with a growing ‘power to the people’ movement seeking redress for the average person against the powerful forces of government and industry in dispute situations. Ombudsman were to assist in achieving fairness by means of independence, unfettered access to records and persons, careful investigation, impartiality and the prestige of the office. Ombudsman today can be found in almost any official capacity where parties involved in disputes are in need of an impartial negotiator. Differences in the operational aspect among these negotiating agents often depend upon where he or she is expected to function, but always within the clearly defined parameters of impartiality and/or political neutrality. In the private corporate environment, the ombudsman may not only resolve differences between workers and employers, but often affect better conditions in the workplace that discourage extreme acts by the offended party or parties as a means to resolution. Mechanisms employed in these circumstances may prove simple or complex, depending upon the nature of the grievances or dispute, as well as the commitment and attitudes of the parties at odds. The goal, however, is always the same: a fair resolution to a conflict of interests that satisfies and is fair to both parties achieved in a non-litigious setting. In the public arena--as in disputes with government and public agenciesâ€â€the ombudsman also functions as a bureaucratic monitoring mechanism. Basically, the activity in the public realm may be viewed as threefold: as stopgap measure to holding administrators accountable for treatment of citizens; as righting wrongs done to citizens, and as a tool to dissuade citizens from becoming alienated from the tangled government bureaucracy, rendering it, or seemingly so, more human and personal. As watchdogs, ombudsman look for potential government abuses, and at times, as is fair and appropriate to their role as impartial mediators, they can also vindicate officials unjustly charged in a grievance with wrongdoing.2 The position then is a hedge against what many citizens see as an all powerful bureaucratic
The Power of the U.S. Supreme Court WK6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Power of the U.S. Supreme Court WK6 - Essay Example Consequently, the U.S. courts interpret the United States Congress inspired laws. The court’s decision includes preventing the police officers from forcibly and illegally conducting illegal search evidences and forcing self-incriminating confessions. The federal courts should accept the concept that the United States Congress’ constitution ensures the police officers should not abuse the citizen’s rights against illegal searches and illegally obtained evidences and confessions. The Miranda law continues to be one of the significant victories for the rights of suspects, a stunning win of the U.S. Supreme Court over Congress. The Courts’ interpretation and implementation of the constitution includes making decisions on the 2000 United States presidential elections, abortion, affirmation action, as well as elimination of school segregation policies. Furthermore, the Supreme Court’s Dickerson decision has implications for the federal exclusion rule. The Dickerson case affirmed the constitutionality or legality of the Miranda Doctrine1, enforcing the fourth Amendment. Dickerson filed a complaint stating a police officer DiFilippo attached a GPRS tracking device under his car, without permission, to track the travels of the suspected drug dealer, Dickerson. The rule states that all evidence taken without a search warrant, including the Dickerson drug evidences, illegally violated the suspect’s Miranda rights to self-incrimination ( In addition to the above discussion, The United States Congress can modify the laws that do not conflict with constitutional provisions2. The Circuit court incorporates Professor Cassell’s insistence that Miranda Rights reduces conviction of voluntary confessors by stating the United States Congress’ Act 3501 expressly overrides the Miranda Doctrine by focusing on the overall situation, not the Miranda Doctrine ( In short, the victim’s voluntary confession,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Dependency vs. modernization theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Dependency vs. modernization theory - Essay Example western values. The Dependency theory was in response to the former one. In reference to the Dependency theory, the world economy is under the control of modern countries and the economic development of Third World countries is forcibly dependent on them (Farmer 100-7). The developing countries are forced to follow the paths and conditions of western countries because a large advancement gap prevails between them. The modern societies make the law and order for the world and if the underdeveloped countries do not go on this track then their political, social and economical stability are in jeopardy, foreign aids are immediately ceased and sometimes their existence is even subjected to threat (Schelkle, Krauth, Kohli, and Elwert 253-91). The Third world countries are directly or indirectly dependent on the western countries. They cannot prove themselves worthy to the world until and unless they do not take development steps on their own. Today, advanced and develop countries have m ade their intrusion in all the underdeveloped countries. Undeniably, the western policies are dominant and the countries which have desire to stabilize themselves should, in one way or other, keep track of these policies.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Opinions of Experts in the Search for Knowledge Research Paper
Opinions of Experts in the Search for Knowledge - Research Paper Example his is where the expert and the ordinary individuals diverge, in the way they form their opinion, then acquire and interpret knowledge. Who is an Expert? According to Christine Hogan (2000), â€Å"an expert is a person with a high level of intelligence, skills or knowledge in a particular sphere, reinforced by publicity and honors by others, by research and publications†(57). A more complicated definition was posited by Kurz-Milcke and Gigerenzer (2004), who stressed that an expert is a social figure in the distribution of knowledge – those who, in comparison to most, not only have more knowledge but also are able to manage knowledge transfers (42). The authors further explained that an expert can only become an expert by way of his or her performances wherein he or she translates and integrates knowledge into popular meaning systems (42). And so, a learned person who has merely acquired knowledge but has not displayed or demonstrated his learning cannot be considered one. Society will not accord him or her the status of an expert unless work or several works were published that would support his being so. No one can claim such title or role without the explicit consent of many individuals, institutions, and organizations. It is, hence, easy, based on the previous two definitions, to identify whether one is interacting with an expert. An expert is someone who has previous knowledge or expertise on the subject and also he or she is known to have demonstrated those characteristics, one who built his reputation, translating it into status and recognition from the society he belongs. An individual will know that he is talking with an expert if that person speaks authoritatively, especially basing from his specialized skills and experiences in addition to the credibility he has earned in the society. The society reinforces this with recognition since its institutions value performance and contributions to the continuing search for knowledge. The above definitions also reveal an important variable - why an expert’s opinion is valuable and this is demonstrated in several areas of knowledge.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Scholarly Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Scholarly Critique - Assignment Example Therefore, the study contributes meaningful evidence that can be used in the nursing practice. This is because it gives the health care institutions the knowledge of understanding that the nurses need a break from their work just as other employees in other areas of work (Garrett, 2008). Additionally, the research has given the government some insight where they should increase the patient to nurse ratio in all health care institution to reduce nurse dissatisfaction and burnout. The researcher indicates the implications of the study for the clinical practice. In that, the researcher indicates that nurse burn out puts the patients at risk because the nurses do not have the capacity to treat the patients properly as they are tired. The implications are reasonable and complete because they have clearly elaborated the causes of nurse dissatisfaction and burn out. In the sense that, there is inadequacy of nurses in the United States, where the government has been given the obligation to ensure that all hospitals have enough nurses to reduce the workload of the present nurses, which will in turn reduce job dissatisfaction and nurse
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Bigger, Faster, Stronger Essay Example for Free
Bigger, Faster, Stronger Essay Chris Bell who came from an overweight family narrated this film. Chris did not want to be like his father when he was younger; instead he wanted to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Chris’ older brother would beat up kids who made fun of him so he was nicknamed Mad Dog. His younger brother hated school and had a learning disability. His younger brother was nicknamed Smelly. Chris and his brothers would wrestle in their basement. Mad Dog had become football captain at his school, while Smelly and Chris began participating in body building competitions. Chris was the strongest kid in his high school and held the New York record. Chris had started to get accused of using steroids. By his senior year he was one of the strongest kids in the country. He moved to California and trained at the gym that Arnold Schwarzenegger trained at. All he accomplished with moving was landing a job at Gold’s Gym selling memberships. It was said that some move to California and live out of their cars to lift at Gold’s Gym. Chris was always against steroids, so when he found out that all his heroes had used them he was very bothered. Chris’ older brother, Mad Dog, stated using steroids while playing football at University of Cincinnati. Shortly after he quit college to pursue another dream of his which was professional wrestling. Mad Dog was the guy who got paid to make other wrestlers look good by getting beat up. Mad Dog was told he would get a contract, but never did. Mad Dog started doing drugs in addition to steroids. He said he would rather be dead than average and later attempted to commit suicide. Smelly also followed Mad Dog and took steroids. He also pursued his wrestling dream, but unlike Mad Dog he had a wife to consider. After having a son, Smelly realized that wrestling was not the life he wanted. Smelly and his wife settled down in the suburbs and opened a gym. But even after quitting wrestling the steroid usage did not stop. Chris could not understand why he was so against steroid usage, but his brothers were not. It is said that many of the baseball players were using steroids and baseball players because of this went from being scrawny to looking like wrestlers. In 2005 Congress spent 151 days in session and 8 of those they spent debating the use of steroids. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention anabolic steroids kills 3 people a year and is #142 in top killers. Steroids are synthetic versions of hormones that your body produces naturally. Some side effects of steroids are acne, hair growth, and reduced sperm count. Some side effects in women are deepened voice, menstrual problem, and enlarged clitoris. Some of these side effects are not reversible. Testosterone tells the body to increase muscle size and strength and helps you recover from workouts faster. For kids some experts think steroids can stunt their growth, but it is not proven. No one has ever done studies on long-term effects of steroids. Congress wanted to pass a law that would control steroids like cocaine and heroin. In 1990 Congress passed the Anabolic Steroid Control Act. This video has not changed my opinion on steroids. My thought on steroids before watching this video was that it should only be used for medical reasons. I consider those who use steroids to gain an advantage over others in professional sports as cheaters. This video, however, did introduce me to many other types of people who use steroids such as pilots, porn stars, and musicians.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
When a Car is More Than Just a Car Essay Example for Free
When a Car is More Than Just a Car Essay The first time I heard the song, â€Å"Fast Car†by Wyclef Jean, I really liked it because it was catchy. After listening to it a few more times, I realized there was a lot of meaning to it. To me, the main goal of this song is to teach the young listeners a difficult lesson to be careful before they do something that could potentially ruin their lives. Also, Jean is showing his listeners there is help out there and tomorrow is not promised – everybody needs take advantage of their available resources so they do not harm themselves. Basically, Jean wants everyone to be careful with the life that they currently have rather than wasting time here on earth. Jean explains his story by using a type of music that will get to young people without making them feel like they are being scolded. He also relates his verses to famous people such as Kanye West, Notorious B.I.G., Tupac, Sean Bell, Left Eye Lopez, and an innocent 16 year old girl; by using this type of song writing style, young people will listen to the song and learn from it rather than avoiding the topic. The first verse of the song is allduding to Kanye West having a major car accident. He was driving home from a recording studio in Los Angelos at three in the morning when he fell asleep at the wheel. He totaled his car and broke his jaw severely. After this accident, Kanye wrote a song called â€Å"Jesus Walks.†It was part of the album called â€Å"Through the Wire,†which Kanye West actually produced while he had wires holding his jaw together(â€Å"Kanye West†). The first verse of Wyclef Jean’s song says â€Å"I heard a man say Jesus walks, me myself I heard Jesus talk.†This line shows how Jesus is real and how both West and Jean have personally had encounters with Him. The next lines say, â€Å"Cause when I heard his beat I felt Jesus force, I heard it Through The Wire that he made it out the coma, from a fast car.†This line shows West’s devastating accident and the aftermath of it. Kanye was in a coma and nearly died because he failed to be responsible with his car. The purpose of verse one is to show the list eners that driving at late hours of the night or while tired is not safe. It is better to stay somewhere rather than risking a life by driving a car. West was lucky to survive his accident; not all situations have fortunate outcomes however. West dealt with a lot of pain personally, while other peoples’ problems involve their enemies. The second verse of this song is about Tupac and Notorious B.I.G., who is also known as Biggie. Tupac and Biggie had a feud that went on for days before anything was done about it. Biggie was a bad boy, and Tupac was an outlaw. This is explained in the song when Jean writes, â€Å"Some of us are Bad Boys, Some of us are outlaws.†Biggie took the name â€Å"Bad Boys†when he and his producer decided to pair up to make music. Tupac was considered an outlaw because he did not necessarily have any place where he belonged. One day, during November of 1994, Biggie shot Tupac multiple times in the lobby of a recording studio in New York and stole a large amount of jewelry. Everyone suspected Biggie, but he denied it and never got the full blame for it (Huey). During the song, Jean says, â€Å"Unsolved mystery, the killer gets away.†It is very clear he is talking about the incident between Biggie and Tupac. Eventually, their dispute carries on into Vegas and LA, where Tupac is murdered in his SUV from a shot by a neighboring car. The song also explains this because Jean talks about the drama moving on to Vegas and LA and driving a fast car. This rivalry was out of control, especially when Tupac was eventually murdered. Everyone thought the world would become a better place because people would learn from the situation. This was not the case, however, because the rivalries got bigger and America became more violent in the 20th century. Jean is once again trying to show everyone the importance of our lives; he does not want anyone to get into trouble so badly that their lives are ultimately ended by the violence. The chorus speaks the loudest in terms of meaning of the song. The first half is, â€Å"you don’t got to be no billionaire, to get a ticket up to the moon. We all know somebody up there, you need a helping hand, look, I’m right here.†Basically, Jean means everybody goes to the moon, or heaven, one day. However, a person does not have to be rich to take a trip up there. We all know people who have passed away and gone to heaven; it is never easy to say goodbye to people who leave Earth. He wants everyone to know that there is plenty of help on Earth. Jean does not want anybody to mess up their life to the point that it isn’t worth it to fix it. This part of the song has the most symbolic meaning. Cars symbolize the journey of life – from birth to death, just as they help you travel from one place to another. Jean uses the verses to show literal meanings of why we need to be careful with cars; he uses the chorus to show the symbolic meaning associated with fast cars and why they have the ability to be so dangero us. Also, he prefers not to have any hardships to control his listeners’ lives either. The verse goes on to say, â€Å"†¦to help you see clearly now.†Jean wants to be the helping hand for everybody. Why die, when you could fix your problems and live as a happy individual? The whole purpose of the song is to be smart and not let our cars or problems control us. The bridge of the song emphasizes the dangers of cars. A person might be drinking or not in the right mental state to drive, however if they pick up their friends to drive, most of them will probably get in the car. Paul Simon comes into the song at this point and says, â€Å"When that fast car picks you up, you will have no choice. You may hear the tires screaming, but you will have no voice. But as the fast car picks you up, you will weep and smile. And see heaven in the headlights, mile after, mile.†This is a very good representation about what life is really like. People don’t want to stand up to their friends because they will be the only one. However, making the choice to not spe ak up might cost a person their life. Even if it does not ultimately end their life, they will feel regret as they â€Å"see heaven in the headlights, mile after mile.†People know they are making a mistake by getting in a car with people who have been drinking. Yet most people just go along with it in order to fit in. The danger with cars is they do not seem like weapons and people are not very careful with them because they see them as a toy. They can be a weapon though because they can easily hit somebody and injure them or the people in the car. After this song, hopefully everybody begins to see the importance in safety and good decisions. Jean is not even close to done – he keeps bringing in more examples so he can really get is message across. The third verse of this song references the Sean Bell shooting that occurred in November of 2006. Bell held his bachelor party at a Queens Strip Club in New York City. He was drinking and then got into his Nissan Altima with two of his friends. He began to drive and he ran into a New York officer. The rest of the officers thought Bell was a danger so they began to shoot at his car. They killed Bell while injuring two of his friends. All together, they shot 51 times. The officers involved in the incident were indicted, â€Å"charging the two who had fired the bulk of the shots, Detective Michael Oliver and Detective Gescard F. Isnora, with first-degree manslaughter, and the third, Detective Marc Cooper, with reckless endangerment†(â€Å"Sean Bell†). This is explained in the song when Wyclef Jean writes, â€Å"what would you do after your bachelor party? In the bar celebrating with all your homies,†and â€Å"over fifty one shots but you ain’t ready to die.†Jean shows how everybody has a bachelors party and makes bad decisions, but that does not mean he or she deserves to die, or wants to die. Bell made a bad decision by getting in his car when he was under the influence of alcohol, howeve r he did not think it would cause him his life. Jean is showing his listeners a lesson through Bell’s story. He is showing the importance of responsibility, especially when people are under the influence of alcohol. Nobody wants to die, especially right before their wedding. Jean’s lesson is to be careful and mindful of our actions. The fourth verse of the song is about a member of the hip-hop band, TLC. Her name was Lisa – left eye – Lopez and she was on a spiritual trip to Honduras to get her life in order (â€Å"TLCs Lisa Left Eye Lopes dies in wreck.†). Jean explains this by saying, â€Å"Everybody needs some TLC, so she headed to Honduras for some TLC (Tender Loving Care).†Lopez died an innocent death. She was a passenger in a van; she died instantly, while the other seven passengers were uninjured. Jean states, â€Å"Well she was a passenger, never a driver, in that fast car.†At this point in the song, Jean turns to people who are trying to save their lives, yet they still suffer deaths. Lopez was on a journey trying to figure out her problems, but she was killed by a dangerous fast car. She was not ready for heaven, but she ended up taking her trip early. The fifth and final verse of the song is about an innocent 16 year old girl who just had her sweet sixteenth birthday party. She was crossing the street when she was hit by a car and died. The verse says, â€Å"Sweet sixteen, I see her leaving the scene. Crossing the street, she won’t see seventeen.†The person that hit her was under the influence of alcohol. Just as Jean says, â€Å"Blink of an eye, DWI. Hit and run, the assailant flees, in that fast car.†This verse goes along with the chorus very well because the girl was innocent, not ready to die, and she probably was not going through anything difficult that caused her to want to end her life. Instead, she was the victim of a fast car and bad decisions that ultimately ended her life. This song is full of meaning and lessons that meant to be passed on to the reader. Jean is looking out for his listeners while he sings this song. My favorite part will always be, â€Å"You don’t got to be no billionaire, to get a ticket up to the moon.†This line defines the song; it is all about safety and using street smarts so we do not die prematurely. I like to be adventurous and live my life to the fullest, but safety always comes first. I would feel terrible if I left my family behind by making a bad decision – we have to think about our own safety, as well as the way life would change for our loved ones if we took our trip to the â€Å"moon.†This song made an impact on my life, and I hope it changes other peoples’ lives too. Works Cited Huey, Steve. â€Å"The Notorious B.I.G.†Bad Boys Forever. Bad Boys. 2002-2010. 21 Feb 2011. â€Å"Kanye West.†Chicago Tribune. Chicago Tribune. n.d. 21 Feb 2011. â€Å"Sean Bell.†NY Times Online. NY Times. 28 July 2010. 21 Feb 2011 â€Å"TLCs Lisa Left Eye Lopes dies in wreck.†CNN Entertainment. CNN. 26 April 2002. 21 Feb 2011.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Impact of Ethnicity on Politics
Impact of Ethnicity on Politics Introduction: The concept of Ethnic Identity and the resulting Politics is a somewhat recent development. History is full of examples where certain ethnic group got together and won over other ethnic groups for exploiting and snatching the assets of the other group. The battle for supremacy has exploited the ethnic ties in groups for their own benefit. The American Civil War – as is evident today – is a variation of this type of conflict. The crusades undertaken by Christians – however unchristian that may be – is also coming under this category. Today the politicians are roping in ethnic groups to strengthen their rank and file so that they can exploit the number game of today. The invasion of India by Babur, the first Moghul Emperor, was an ethnic groups’ invasion of a foreign land where the things needed by the group were available. The Moghul Empire, after a shaky start, lasted out for a few centuries. Hence, the fact Ethnic psychology played a significant role in shaping the history of the world is common knowledge. However, there must be something more in these group affiliations which is beyond religion, caste, creed or even culture. This paper examines the possibility of some basic reasons like economics, common threats, recurring frustrations or uncertainty factors which evolve an ethnic group and their contribution for stimulating political activities. Discussion: Every ethnic group shares not only a culture, religion, caste system etc but they also face certain common hostilities, frustrations and drawbacks which they want to overcome. These days there is no way other than politics by which they can make their statement heard and acknowledged by the concerned people. In the past whenever there was any common threat to a group they combined under an umbrella which later came to be called an ethnic group. In most of the cases it was religion but fact remains the group maintained solidarity by some thread only to fight against the threat facing them. There have been a number of ‘terrorist attacks’ all around the globe and in almost all these cases the roots are traceable to certain factions of a religion. The threats faced by these groups are numerous but it cannot be denied that the ethnicity factor had become dormant and the political ambition has become dominant. A case in point is that of the Gorkhas in the eastern part of India. It is well known that the Gorkhas are Mongoloid in origin but as far as religion goes most of them are either Hindus or Buddhists. They have an identity of their own but are supposed to play a secondary role in the body politic of India in general and West Bengal in particular. They claim to be affiliated to certain tribes and have been living in the remote hilly area for generations. Some clans are traceable to Chine uplands and are just not compatible to the society and culture of the main land India. These people, who have earned distinction by their services under the Royal British Army, have a very gallant regiment under the Indian Army. They are known to be very tough and brave in all assignments they are given. Yet they have started feeling that, outside the Indian Armed Forces, they are being deprived of their rightful claim to all the facilities due to them. As far as education goes they are not given any preference, all the important jobs in their home country of Darjeeling and adjoining areas are being given to the main land people. Thus they are now demanding that they should be giving a separate state under the Indian Constitution where they will be able to protect the interest of the hill people. This is a glaring example of ethnic politics. This ethnic group is trying to maintain its identity by resorting to politics whereby they are trying to protect the interest of the ethnic Gorkhas. In the past they have used all the means available to them – strikes, non-cooperation, work stoppages and even violence in many cases so that their demands are at least heard if not met. The situation has become so serious that the tourist traffic to the hills has plummeted to the rock bottom causing great harm to the state’s exchequer. However for the last forty years they have been given no consideration at all and the successive state governments have only made a mockery of their demands. Tall promises have been made but not a single action has been initiated for addressing their demands – most of which are towards protecting the rights of the ethnic Gorkha. The cultural background of the Gorkha people is significantly different from that of the main land population. Their way of life, social bonding and group affiliation has ensured that they project themselves as a different lot and therefore the ethnic political actions have created a significant impact on the total nation. People all over the country have slowly but surely started realising that the Gorkha people have a point to state. The major political parties are trying to woo their support in gaining advantage and clout in all local elections and other related issues. Thus they are now on the threshold making a big impact on the Indian political scene. Due to their geographical location they cannot think of going with the Chinese set up and the Indian politics has been dragging its feet in giving them their rightful claim. The ethnic identity has led to a significant polarisation of the political forces and may be in some occasion in the not too distant a future the identity of the Gorkhas are accepted and accommodated in the body politic of the Indian sub continent. When this long awaited eventuality takes shape it will once again vindicate the thinking that ethnic identity has a significant role to play in the political ambience of a place. The present day Gorkha movement is a clear validation of the existence of ethnic identity influence on the political development of an area. It may once again be recalled that the visible and manifested problems of the Gorkha people are just an expression of their frustration and anger at being deprived of the due facilities which is their rightful claim. The ethnic display of social bonds, cultural affinities and religious leanings are all but a manifestation of basically economic factors. This has been mobilised into an ethnic identity for influencing the politics of the place. Conclusion: The involvement of ethnic issues into creating any political identity is as old as history. However the truth is that the form and feel of such identity Politics on ethnic grounds has undergone a metamorphosis over time. The social, political, cultural, and racial aspects are all traceable to some common threat and frustration faced by the people. Such instances are countless in all countries but the issue of Gorkha people fighting to have their home land (on which certain knowledgeable write-ups were available) was chosen to highlight the main issues in the ethnic identity in politics. Here also the underlying reason for such consolidation of peoples will, could be traced to essentially economic and deprivation issues. Thus so long there are reasons to feel frustrated people will unite – amongst others – under the ethnic identity and try to wrench out political advantage from the authorities. Crowding under the ethnic banner for an identity and visibility will continue to be a dominant force in shaping the political situation of the world in the days to come.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Take What You Get :: Personal Narrative Baseball Friendships Papers
Take What You Get I hated both my last day of school in Hopkinton and my first day of school in Sherborn. My mother drove me to my new school in our brand new white Volvo station wagon. The ride from our house to the school seemed much shorter than it actually was. Looking back on it, anytime I’ve unwillingly traveled somewhere, the car ride seemed extremely short. I remember the station wagon climbing the long, winding hill that led to Pine Hill Elementary school. As I watched the trees and fields pass, I imagined that the car hadn’t gone by them. In my mind, I was still back in my new trundle bed at home. My mom knew I was on the verge of tears, and she was constantly moving her hand back and forth between the car’s stick shift and my knee. "All the kids are going to love you," she said, patting my leg. "Mrs. Smith is so excited to have you in her class." I couldn’t even muster a response. I pictured Mrs. Smith forcing me to stand up in front of the class, asking me to tell the kids my name and what I liked to do. Then I saw the kids laughing when I broke down in tears, unable to give them an answer, or merely mumble a few words about myself. I couldn’t even respond to my own mother. "Honey, it’s ok to be nervous. Remember that I’ll pick you at 3:15. You don’t have to take the bus this afternoon." She parked the car and held my hand as we walked up the steps to the school’s entrance. I was wearing blue shorts, a bad choice because they were too short and revealed my pale, chubby legs. The walk with the principal and my mother down the long, empty corridors was what finally did it for me. I had been trying my hardest to hold back the tears, forcing myself to think of the end of the day, when my mother would be waiting for me. But the classroom was getting too close. I could sense it by the way the principal slowed his pace and drifted to the right side of the corridor. I felt the tears under my eyes, but I didn’t care enough to wipe them away with my arm. "Welcome to Pine Hill," Mrs. Smith said.
global anomie :: essays research papers
Global anomie, dysnomie, and economic crime: Hidden consequences of neoliberalism and globalization in Russia and around the world TRANSNATIONAL CRIME HAS RECENTLY ACQUIRED A PROMINENT PLACE IN PUBLIC debates. It is commonly presented as the most significant crime problem at the turn of the millennium (Myers, 1995-1996; Shelley, 1995). Many have even suggested that it represents a serious domestic and international security threat (Paine and Cillufo, 1994; Williams, 1994). The argument is also made that a wave of transnational crime undermines neoliberal policies and the functioning of an increasing number of market economies around the globe (Handelman, 1995; Shelley, 1994). As a consequence, the proposed remedies are often quite drastic and involve undercover operations, privacy-piercing approaches, and the participation of intelligence services in the fight against global crime (Andreas, 1997; Naylor, 1999; Passas and Blum, 1998; Passas and Groskin, 1995). Yet, little attention and virtually no systematic research has been devoted to understanding the causes, structure, extent, and effects of serious cross-border misconduct (Passas, 1998). The risks it poses may be grossly exaggerated (Naylor, 1995; Lee, 1999). The draconian measures being contemplated and implemented in different countries, therefore, are essentially an exercise in shooting in the dark. Chances are good that the target will be missed and substantial "collateral damage" may be caused by ill-conceived policies in this "war" on crime. This risk is particularly high in countries in transition toward a market democracy. It would be much wiser, thus, to carefully study the problem before taking ineffective and possibly damaging actions. This article seeks to make a contribution by concentrating on the causes of transnational economic crime. The main argument is that, contrary to conventional wisdom, neoliberalism and globalization contribute to processes leading to global anomie, dysnomie, and, ultimately, economic misconduct. They do so by activating the criminogenic potential of economic, political, legal, and cultural asymmetries, as well as by creating new such asymmetries (Passas, 1999). These asymmetries cause crime by furnishing opportunities for misconduct, by generating motives for actors to take advantage of such opportunities, and by weakening social controls. More specifically, means-ends disjunctions are systematically created, as neoliberal policies foster new needs and desires that are all too often left unfulfilled. Promises of more freedom, prosperity, and happiness for a larger number of people have turned out to be chimerical. Economic and power inequalities have widened within and across countrie s in the last two decades. The number of poor has reached unprecedented levels, while welfare programs and safety nets are reduced or abolished. global anomie :: essays research papers Global anomie, dysnomie, and economic crime: Hidden consequences of neoliberalism and globalization in Russia and around the world TRANSNATIONAL CRIME HAS RECENTLY ACQUIRED A PROMINENT PLACE IN PUBLIC debates. It is commonly presented as the most significant crime problem at the turn of the millennium (Myers, 1995-1996; Shelley, 1995). Many have even suggested that it represents a serious domestic and international security threat (Paine and Cillufo, 1994; Williams, 1994). The argument is also made that a wave of transnational crime undermines neoliberal policies and the functioning of an increasing number of market economies around the globe (Handelman, 1995; Shelley, 1994). As a consequence, the proposed remedies are often quite drastic and involve undercover operations, privacy-piercing approaches, and the participation of intelligence services in the fight against global crime (Andreas, 1997; Naylor, 1999; Passas and Blum, 1998; Passas and Groskin, 1995). Yet, little attention and virtually no systematic research has been devoted to understanding the causes, structure, extent, and effects of serious cross-border misconduct (Passas, 1998). The risks it poses may be grossly exaggerated (Naylor, 1995; Lee, 1999). The draconian measures being contemplated and implemented in different countries, therefore, are essentially an exercise in shooting in the dark. Chances are good that the target will be missed and substantial "collateral damage" may be caused by ill-conceived policies in this "war" on crime. This risk is particularly high in countries in transition toward a market democracy. It would be much wiser, thus, to carefully study the problem before taking ineffective and possibly damaging actions. This article seeks to make a contribution by concentrating on the causes of transnational economic crime. The main argument is that, contrary to conventional wisdom, neoliberalism and globalization contribute to processes leading to global anomie, dysnomie, and, ultimately, economic misconduct. They do so by activating the criminogenic potential of economic, political, legal, and cultural asymmetries, as well as by creating new such asymmetries (Passas, 1999). These asymmetries cause crime by furnishing opportunities for misconduct, by generating motives for actors to take advantage of such opportunities, and by weakening social controls. More specifically, means-ends disjunctions are systematically created, as neoliberal policies foster new needs and desires that are all too often left unfulfilled. Promises of more freedom, prosperity, and happiness for a larger number of people have turned out to be chimerical. Economic and power inequalities have widened within and across countrie s in the last two decades. The number of poor has reached unprecedented levels, while welfare programs and safety nets are reduced or abolished.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
John Quincy Adams :: essays research papers
                                                       Lenora Spahn                                                        10/7/00 Presidential Outline I. John Quincy Adams      A. Born- July 11, 1767      B. Died- February 23, 1828 II. Background      A. Educational- Attended Harvard (1785-1787); Studied law under Theophilus Parsons      at Newburyport, Mass. (1787-1790); Admitted to the bar, 1790.      B. Occupational-           1. Minister to the Netherlands, 1784-1797           2. Minister to Prussia, 1797-1801           3. Massachusetts State Senator, 1802           4. US Senator (Federalist-Massachusetts), 1803-1808           5. Minister to Russia, 1809-1814           6. Chief Negotiator of Treaty of Ghent, 1814           7. Minister to Great Britain, 1815-1825           8. Secretary of State, 1817-1825 (under James Monroe)                          III. Terms Of Office      A. First Term (1825-1829) IV. Prominent Issues of the Election      A. Varied degrees of support for a protective tariff      B. A federal program of internal improvements V. Opponents      A. First Term-           1. Andrew Jackson, Tennessee           2. William H. Crawford, Georgia           3. Henry Clay, Kentucky     VI. Vice Presidents      A. First Term- John C. Calhoun, South Carolina VII. Political Party- no party labels used VIII. Domestic Events      A. John Quincy Adams becomes the 6th President, 1825.      B. Erie Canal Opens, 1825: links Lake Erie with New York City through the Hudson           River.      C. South Carolina Exposition and Protest, 1828: after an anti-tariff protest was held in      Columbia, South Carolina, delegates from 13 states convened to urge a tariff rise,      following the denial of a bill concerning tariff increases, after a tie-breaking vote from      Vice-President Calhoun. IX. Major Foreign Policy      A. Panama Congress, 1826: Adams supported US participation in the Panama                Congress; However, southern congressmen who feared the meeting might be used to      condemn slavery, as well as Adams’s political opponents delayed the confirmation of      the US delegates long enough to make it impossible to reach Ranama in time to           attend.      B. Tariff of Abominations, 1828: A high tariff on imported manufactured goods to           protect domestic industry. Later prompted Vice President Calhoun to draft the SC           Exposition condemning the tariff as â€Å"unconstitutional, oppressive, and unjust†and           claiming the right of a state to nullify such laws.      X. Major Conflict      A. The Tariff of Abominations proved Adams's reluctancy to submit to political
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Van Gogh and Kandinsky
Starry Night was painted by Vincent Van Gogh in 1889 in the village of Saint-Remy, in the south of France. It is an oil on canvas post-impressionist painting which depicts the view from Van Sago's window at night, although it was painted from memory during the day. Van Sago's artworks contrast greatly with those of Wassail Sandusky. Composition VII was painted by Wassail Sandusky in 1913, during his time in Munich, Germany. The style is abstract and very expressive. Vincent Van Gogh was part of the post-impressionist movement, which painted in the late sass. He studied art in Belgium, and in 1886 he traveled to Paris with his rather.There he met Pissarro, Monet, and Gauguin, and he was influenced by their use of short brush strokes to convey movement. A technique which is clearly evident in his artworks. Van Gogh moved south to Arles in 1888, were he tried to capture the warmth and sunlight of the southern French countryside. His artworks became brighter in color and the style became more dynamic. Van Gogh aimed to express his emotions in his artworks though the multiple brush strokes and use of bold color. Art in the late sass was moving on from the impressionist style towards the expressionist style.This movement is known as the post-impressionist movement. Post-impressionist artworks still focus on capturing light, although they are more emotionally expressive than impressionist artworks. Van Gogh admired the works of Jules Breton, in particular Bretons work SST. Johns Eve, which depicts peasant girls dancing on a summer evening. A village with a church and the crescent moon over it can be seen in the background, and it is believed this influenced Van Sago's artwork Starry Night. Starry Night is a perfect example of a post-impressionist artwork.It was painted in June 1889, using oil paint on canvas. The artwork depicts the village of Saint-Remy, as seen from Van Sago's window in the Saint-Remy Hospital where he was staying. An enormous sky dominates the pict ure and falls upon the quiet town. The large halos on the stars dwarf the small quiet town beneath, perhaps suggesting that humans are tiny in comparison with nature and the stars. The style is both expressive, impressionistic and semi-realistic. However, unlike impressionist artworks, this painting does not focus purely on capturing light, but also in portraying Van Sago's emotions.His desperate thoughts, feeling of disconnection from the world and need o escape are visible in the night scene, as well as the energetic brush strokes and the vibrant colors of the stars against the dark blues of the night. At the time which Vincent Van Gogh painted this painting he was in the Saint-Remy Hospital because of his serious depression (he cut his own ear of. The visible brush strokes create prominent lines, thus giving the painting movement, this is particularly visible in the sky and keeps the viewers eyes constantly following the organic curves and lines.It is believed that the swirling c louds represent his tortured mind and confusion. The vertical lines of the church tower and the cypress tree divide the canvas into thirds, illustrating Van Sago's use of classical composition. The composition also contributes further to the feeling of movement. A large black structure towers upwards on the far left of the painting, leading the viewers eye into the curves of the sky and on into the center of the painting where the twisting clouds are surrounded brilliant bright stars.The viewers' eye finally rests on the small dark town which, in contrast to the sky, practically blends into the blue mountains. The town and mountains are painted in dark colors so that the viewer's attention is drawn to the sky (the focus of the painting). The large yellow stars dwarf small flecks of yellow in the town and contrast with the sky. This contrast reflects Van Sago's turbulent emotions. White is used to brighten the stars and the sky. The scale of the artwork is 29 x 36 h inches (73. 7 x 9 2. 1 CM). This medium scale does not overwhelm the viewer, but makes them come closer to the artwork as to see the details.Giving the viewer a personal experience of the landscape. The large dark tree in the foreground of the ar left of the painting gives the artwork a sense of perspective, which again makes the experience of the painting more real. After viewing this painting, the audience is left with a glimpse into the tortured soul of Vincent Van Gogh, and they have experienced the landscape of Saint-Remy. Wassail Sandusky was a Russian artist who painted in an abstract style. He aimed to use art as a medium to communicate directly with one's emotions.He wanted it to go straight to one's heart, and strongly believed that figurative forms prevented this. As a young boy he played piano and cello, and this lead him to create a some what musical style of art. He aimed to create artworks which had the same effect on the viewer as the listener of a piece of music has, which is why his artworks had musical titles such as â€Å"composition†and â€Å"improvisations†. Sandusky moved to Germany in 1911, at this time the tension was growing between the different countries, leading up to World War 1 (starting in 1914).Germany was on the brink of war, Just waiting for something to set it into action. The rivalry between Britain and Germany's military forces was extreme, and this political rivalry was taken into the art world. Paris was the centre of the art world and Particularly in Germany he atmosphere would have been extremely chaotic and tense. This is clearly reflected in the busy composition of Sandiness's artworks during this time. In 1913 Wassail Sandusky painted Composition VI', using oil on canvas. Sandusky wanted to portray truths and emotions, which is why this artwork does not depict figurative forms.The traditional oil on canvas medium contrasts with the unusual subject, thus surprising the viewer and increasing the impact of the painting. I t is a painting of monumental scale, being 200 x 300 CM. This overwhelms the viewer, communicating the intense atmosphere of Germany at the time, and Sandiness's lining of confusion and chaos. This feeling of confusion and chaos if further demonstrated by his use of line. The lines in this painting are explosive, there is a mixture of organic and geometric. This creates an image which almost seems to posses its own energy.The painting appears alive and moving, thus drawing the viewer in and engaging with their emotions. In the centre of the painting is a small circle, which could possibly represent the eye of a hurricane. It is surrounded by an outburst of color and lines which at first makes the viewers eye dart around the painting, unsure where to look and overwhelmed at the intensity. Eventually the audience focuses on the dark blue shape in the centre of the canvas, here the lines are closer together and the shapes are strongly outlined.Everything appears to be exploding out fro m the centre of the artwork. Sandusky believed that certain colors could communicate different emotion. The range of colors in this artwork portrays a jumble of emotions. The colors used are bright bold colors which contribute to the overall effect of chaos. The colors are more intense in the centre of the painting, and towards the edge they become more pastel-like. This aids in drawing the attention of the audience to the centre of the painting.By focusing the viewers eye in this way, Sandusky sucks them in to his world of chaos and confusion. The overall mood of the painting is confused and busy. Everything is bright and exploding which reflects the time in which Sandusky painted. The audience experiences the atmosphere of Germany in 1913, particularly how the world could erupt into war at any moment. This color choice in this artwork allows Sandusky to directly communicate with the viewers emotions, and leaves them feeling overwhelmed and bewildered. Vincent Van Sago's Starry Nig ht is an post-impressionist artwork.It aims to communicate Van Sago's experience of the landscape and also his strong emotional feelings. It is classically composed and uses organic forms and flowing lines, giving the artwork movement. It quite different to Wassail Sandiness's Composition VI', which focus's mostly on the viewers emotional experience and communicating the hectic pre World War 1 confusion in Germany, through the use of abstract style and the energetic colors. Unlike Starry Night it does not have an obvious subject. Sandusky has focused completely on conveying emotions and has disregarded any figurative forms.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Personal Learning Managemet Essay
Abstract Kindler, E.; Krivy, I. (2011). Object-Oriented Simulation of systems with sophisticated control. International Journal of General Systems. pp. 313–343 Haas, J. (n.d.). Modular programming. Retrieved from Personal Learning Management As course assignments, assigned reading, assigned and interest-based research, and other learning activities are completed, the learner may recognize the economic value of what has been learned. Knowledge gained through learning can be forgotten if concepts are not reviewed on a regular basis. It is possible to design an application to record high economic value learning tasks and insights that will allow for periodic review. This application will help solve the issue of knowledge being forgotten by allowing the information and concepts to be kept in front of the individual for regular review. The application that must be programmed will be a simple user friendly app that will allow the user to see and record progress over a given class which will give the user the ability to not only see what has been done but to have it brought back to the forefront of what they already went over in course assignments, reading and researches for a particular class. So in essence the program will help each student record each task and can, ever so many days allow the student to review what they covered and done to keep the information fresh. The information that we will be recording is assignments for the course, any assigned reading for the course, research both assigned and interest-based, and other learning activities. By getting this information from the user the program will store this information and recall it to the user on a time and scheduled output as well as show what still needs to be done in the course. The first step in creating such a program is that we need to identify the desired results we are looking for in this program which is to help the user retain course information by helping them review the material often. Next we will design the program and this will start by having the program gather the information required from the user and how often the user wants this information brought back up either every week or every 3 days. This step will be more complex as the developing of the application continues. Once we have step-by-step for designing the program to solve the problem stated in the beginning we will began to code the program. This is when we decide which programming language we will use such as C#, C ++ and more to deliver the best solution. After we program the application we will test the program to ensure that it is free of errors and that it does indeed solve the given problem. This is known as the programming development cycle which means at any given point in this cycle we may have revisit a particular step to ensure that we get the results that we need. This program will be developed as an object-oriented approach which is according to Kindler, E.; Krivy, I. (2011) â€Å"a programming paradigm that represents concepts as â€Å"objects†that have data fields (attributes that describe the object) and associated procedures known as methods. Objects, which are usually instances of classes, are used to interact with one another to design applications and computer programs.†We are taking this approach with a modular approach due to the complexity of the program and want to make many objects that will have methods and classes with in the object. We fill this is the best way to approach the problem with various strings and arrays so that our coding will not be confusing and easy to troubleshoot should we run into any issues. Modular programming emphasizes separating the functionality of a program into independent, interchangeable modules, such that each contains everything necessary to execute only one aspect of the desired functionality. (Haas, n.d.) This will improve maintainability by enforcing logical boundaries between components. The modular design will allow us to build into one executable file per module which also allows us to reduce the size of future patches for only the module that needs it. In conclusion we have discussed the problem of users forgetting knowledge gained through learning and will be creating a program that will keep the information fresh and allow periodic review of course assignments, assigned reading, assigned and interest-based research, and other learning activities. Our approach and the necessary steps outlined until the final test has been done and the application is functional.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Australian Aboriginal Dot Art Essay
Aboriginal art has been overshadowed by the idea that it is primarily presented in dots. It has got to the point where people believe that certain Aboriginal people own the dot and artists both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal are hesitant to use consecutive dots within artwork. Explain how the above has evolved and where dot art has come from Dot paintings today are recognised globally as unique and integral to Australian Aboriginal art. On the surface the dot is simply a style of Aboriginal painting, like the use of cross-hatching or stencil art. Exploring deeper into the history of the Aboriginal dot painting a world of camouflage, secrecy and ritual is discovered. The term ‘dot painting’ stems from what the Western eye sees when faced with contemporary Aboriginal acrylic paintings. This painting style arose from the Papunya art movement in the 1970s. Papunya Tula artists used a process which originally mirrored traditional spiritual ceremonies. In such rituals the soil would be cleared and smoothed over as a canvas (much like the dark, earthy boards used by the Papunya Tala) for the inscription of sacred designs, replicating movements of ancestral beings upon earth. These Dreaming designs were outlined with dancing circles and often surrounded with a mass of dots. Afterward the imprinted earth would be smoothed over, painted bodies rubbed away, masking the sacred-secrets which had taken place. This ritual was shifted from ground to canvas by the Papunya Tula who eventually added an array of naturally produced colours to the restricted palette of red, yellow, black and white produced from ochre, charcoal and pipe clay. Such pieces reveal a map of circles, spirals, lines, dashes and dots, the traditional visual language of the Western Desert Aboriginal People. However these marks were permanent and due to arising interest made public, creating internal political uproar. Consequently representations of sacred objects were forbidden or concealed through the dotting technique. Now that the collecting of pieces of Aboriginal art has become so popular world-wide, a common, mistaken belief is that the Dot Painting Style of Central Australia is a recent development. This belief arises because it was in the 1960s that a Central Australian school teacher encouraged the old men of the tribe to record their art on European sheets of board, using acrylic paints. This use of acrylic paints on flat board dates from that time. However, the art style itself, with geometric designs, is seen in the petroglyphs (rock engravings) dating back thousands of years. Ancient petroglyphs showing concentric circles (non-naturalistic art style), inland South Australia The use of dots was once Australia-wide, particularly seen on body decoration when people are painted for ceremonies, and paintings in the remote Kimberley region where dots are clearly seen on the body decoration of some of the earliest human figures, likely to be older than 20,000 years. See accompanying photo. ) Dot decoration on the body of an ancient human figure, Kimberley Aboriginal Art: Traditional to Contemporary The resurgence of Australian Indigenous art has become one of the ‘most brilliant and exciting new eras of modern art. ‘ It has grown with such amazing diversity and enthusiasm that art critic, Robert Hughes, has described it as ‘the last great art movement. ‘ For indigenous Australians art has been a part of their culture and tradition for thousands of years and is recognised as one of the oldest living art traditions. Though, over the past 30 years it has progressed from being confined primarily to the tourist industry, to become a richly, evolving international art movement. Since the Renaissance of Aboriginal art during the early 1970’s, Aboriginal artists have been encouraged to find new, innovative ways of incorporating cultural traditions into their imagery. This encouragement first began through an art teacher, Geoffrey Bardon, who became the catalyst for contemporary Aboriginal art. Fascinated by the traditional sand designs created by Indigenous children in Papunya, Bardon encouraged the Aboriginal community to re-create their Dreamtime stories through paintings. He introduced them to acrylic paint and from there Aboriginal art gained a more permanent form and the style, popularly known as ‘dot art’, emerged as the most recognisable form of Aboriginal art. It was a new form of art which also allowed Aborigines to, for the first time, express to the rest of Australia and the world, the ancient traditions of their culture. Many Aboriginal artists have chosen to continue practicing traditional art as a means of conserving the conventional method of creating, inherited from their tribal ancestors. Their content, which is explicitly aboriginal, is usually derived from their history and culture, as a continuation of the spiritual link they possess with their country. Research When The emergence of ‘dot’ paintings by Indigenous men from the western deserts of Central Australia in the early 1970s has been called the greatest art movement of the twentieth century. Prior to this, most cultural material by Indigenous Australians was collected by anthropologists. Consequently, collections were found in university departments or natural history museums worldwide, not art galleries. Where That all changed at a place called Papunya. Papunya was a ‘sit-down’ place established in the early 1960s, 240 kilometres northwest of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory (NT). The settlement brought together people from several western desert language groups: the Pintupi, Warlpiri, Arrernte (Aranda), Luritja, and the Anmatyerr, who were unaccustomed to living in close proximity to each other. Dot Painting or Aboriginal Dot Art originated in the desert using natural substances on the ground in the sand. Those pictures in the sand are not unlike the paintings we see today produced using acrylic paints. The acrylic paintings are usually done using acrylic paint and it is applied to canvas or art board with various diameter sticks dipped into paint and then applied one dot at a time. The Australian Aborigine of the western desert constructed their stories using ochre, sand, blood, coal from their fires and plant material placed together on the ground clump by clump for various ceremonial occasions. If you look at the desert landscape from the height of any small bluff or hill what you see looking down are clumps of growth scattered about a red landscape. The spinifix grass, desert hardwood bush and occasional rocks or rock outcrops make up the myriad of dots that seem to cover the landscape. Because everything in the desert has meaning to the Australian Aborigine these seemingly unimportant arrays of pattern in the desert have special meaning to the Dot painters of the western desert. If you were to ever fly over the desert low enough to see what was on the ground you would see what he dot painting has replicated for you to see. These dots are a myriad of clumps of natural splendour which might go unnoticed had you not seen a dot painting and looked to see what it was about. The arrangement of the plants, rocks and water are all part of the spirit of creation and it is because of this placement that Aboriginal people have traversed the deserts safely without printed maps for th ousands of years. The placement and arrangement of all of these natural things are in songs and these songs are often sung while the painting is being created. Nearly every painting has a song and the songs often disclose important ceremonial facts about a particular region or area. These important ceremonial places are often in the paintings but because they are sacred to Aboriginal people they are camouflaged in some way, visible to the initiated person but invisible to others who do not know what to look for. Many paintings contain these special hidden meanings and the new owners of these paintings will never know what the whole story of their purchased painting is about. Only over time may some insight be gained from looking at the painting. This is a point of pride among the Australian Aboriginal artists because they see the purchase of their art or for them the sale of their art, as a validation of their race and culture by others. This is because a value has been placed on the art. Since the Australian Aboriginal culture is depicted in all traditional paintings they are passing down their knowledge in the only way they are able, to those who have yet to understand it. The Aboriginal people do not have a written language so these painting of their stories and ceremonies are all they have to save this culture for future generations. The colour and the placement of the dots are important to depicting the visible message and camouflaging the hidden message in Aboriginal dot art. Even the over painting of an area of the work has special significance and may convey different messages. Some people gifted with a since of tactile feeling are able to feel a special vibrancy emanating from their painting. Who Many of the significant early artists at Papunya were senior men who had vivid memories of their first contact with white people. Typically, they came out of the desert as adults during the 1950s drought and their connection to ritual law was strong. The first artists’ collective, Papunya Tula Artists, was set up in 1972 by men from this settlement. Papunya Tula Artists was the inspiration and model for many other Indigenous artists’ collectives. In 2009 there are 42 desert Indigenous art communities represented by Desert. The artwork was seen as a way to keep the culture alive, and carry Indigenous stories to the world. The movement was seen as being about recollection and cultural memories linked to Dreaming’s’ or story types. Why the modern aboriginal â€Å"dot art†movement started? Geoffrey Bardon AM (1940–2003) Geoffrey Bardon began working as an art teacher at Papunya Special School in 1971. Concerned that the school’s curriculum, appearance and ethos seemed out of step with Aboriginal culture, Bardon attempted unsuccessfully to involve his class in painting a series of murals on the school walls. Thereupon Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, Long Jack Phillipus Tjakamarra, Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri and others created the Honey Ant Mural, which inspired many senior men to ask Bardon for painting materials and eventually begin painting in the Men’s Painting Room. The Men’s Painting Room, Papunya – Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula can be seen in the middle ground painting a Kalinypa Water Dreaming. His two boomerangs are placed in front of the board as percussion instruments, ready to be used to accompany the verses of the Water Dreaming, sung at intervals during the painting process, June-August 1971 Photo: Michael Jensen Convinced of the groundbreaking importance of what he was witnessing, Bardon made comprehensive photographic, moving film and written records of the artists and the paintings that they produced while he was at Papunya. From his primary research, Bardon wrote three books and made three films that initiated public interest in Western Desert art. In 1988 Bardon was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his unique contribution to the Western Desert art movement. The Honey Ant Mural, July 1971 Geoffrey Bardon and his Arerrnte assistant, Obed Raggett, had noticed people drawing designs in the sand at Papunya. Following this precedent, they drew circles and spirals on the blackboard in an unsuccessful attempt to encourage their class of adolescent boys to paint a series of murals on a whitewashed, cement-rendered wall of the Papunya Special School. In late July 1971, after painting a series of smaller practice murals, seven painters collaborated in the painting of a monumental mural representing the Honey Ant Dreaming specific to the site of Papunya. Working under the direction of custodians Mick Wallangkarri Tjakamarra and Tom Onion Tjapangati, the artists included Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri, Long Jack Phillipus Tjakamarra, Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula and Don Ellis Tjapanangka. The Honey Ant Mural, a bold expression of Aboriginal culture in a government settlement, occasioned great rejoicing at Papunya and inspired immense pride in the community. Geoffrey Bardon in front of the Honey Ant Mural, Papunya, August 1971 Photo: Robert Bardon  © artists and their estates 2011, licensed by Aboriginal Artists Agency Limited and Papunya Tula Artists Pty Ltd Pintupi people from the Western Desert Pintupi is the name of a Western Desert language spoken by Aboriginal people who belong to a large stretch of country in the Gibson Desert of Western Australia and the western edge of the Northern Territory. When the Pintupi arrived in the government settlements east of their traditional lands between the 1930s and the 1950s, they adopted the term ‘Pintupi’ to distinguish themselves from the surrounding Aboriginal inhabitants as the ‘people from the west’. They were among the last Aboriginal people in Australia to abandon their nomadic lifestyle, the last family arriving into the newly established community of Kiwirrkura in 1984. In Papunya, the Pintupi, bound to each other by their dominant loyalties of relatedness and kinship, were ostracised due to their lack of conversance with kartiya (non-Aboriginal) customs and their perceived lack of sophistication. Diversity within â€Å"dot art†– showing two different artists works. Uta Uta Tjangala – Traditional Artist Uta Uta Tjangala, who is an exemplar of the historical cultural tradition, Uta Uta’s painting career and reputation is closely aligned to the artistic renaissance that began at Papunya in 1971. He was a founding member of the men’s painting group, inspired other Pintupi tribesmen, and becoming one of the most senior and influential painters amongst the group. Born in Western Australia in Drovers Hills, he made the epic journey to Haasts Bluff with his family during the severe drought of the mid to late 1950’s in the company of Charlie Tarawa. Two years later, after returning to his homelands, he made the journey once more with Timmy Payungka, Pinta Pinta and their families. Uta Uta Tjangala (early years) Employed as a gardener at the Papunya school Uta Uta, then in his 40’s, became one of the original group drawing and painting on composition board with encouragement from art teacher Geoff Bardon. When supplying paints to Uta Uta and his gathering group of enthusiastic friends, Bardon suggested the men use their existing cultural symbols to depict their Dreamings and links to the land. The Pintupi men, having been pushed from their traditional homelands by government policy and European development, painted under a bough shelter behind the camp ‘pouring into their work their acute longing for the places depicted †¦ and chanting the song cycles that told the stories of the designs as they worked’ . These early works aroused strong protest within Aboriginal communities when first exhibited in Alice Springs in 1974 because of the disclosure of secret and sacred knowledge. A period of experimentation followed, resulting in the development of a symbolic language of classic ideograms and the characteristic dot covered areas that veil sacred elements from the uninitiated. The large, tribally mixed population of Papunya intensified the interaction, but under the influence of artists like Uta Uta, the painting group was able to break through the political and cultural constraints toward a safer stylistic conformity, and prepare the way for personal and distinctive styles to emerge. Uta Uta in particular, with his exciting and charismatic personality as well as his bold and dynamic style, played a vital role in these developments. Bardon recalled many years later, ‘everything that came from him was genuine’ . Uta Uta’s 1971 and 1972 paintings generally featured major story elements with only the barest dotted in-fill within the iconography and small sections of the background. The aesthetic balance and harmony of these works is derived through colour and weight rather than by a geometric division of the painted surface. The rather crude dotting and line work of these early paintings on board embues them with an energy and power that is less apparent in his later more technically proficient works. His paintings are far stronger and more powerful when the clean unadorned background remains, unlike paintings by his contemporary Kaapa, whose early works became more aesthetically appealing as he began to in-fill the background. In developing a style that censored the more secret and sacred content in his painting, Uta Uta added more dot-work as the years went by. He painted more Tingari sites completely surrounded by neat dots that became less and less detailed. Despite his advancing age during the late 1970’s he continued to paint as he spent increasing time at outstations west of Papunya and, at the beginning of the 1980’s, he completed what was to become one of the most important and revered works of the entire Western Desert art movement. Yumari 1981, possibly his largest and most significant painting, reveals the mythical Tingari ancestors traveling across vast stretches of country as they create sites and institute rituals. Yumari is a rocky outcrop in his home country and the key ceremonial site of the area. Story elements and natural features blend seamlessly into a beautifully balanced geometry of concentric circles and connecting lines that enclose a central, abstracted figure. This body continues rather than interrupts the intense, minutely dotted background configurations, yet still holds the central focus. The work is characterised by the sinuous movement of converging regular and irregular shapes, accentuated by outlining white dots. The predominant use of an earthy red alongside vivid yellow ochre, further emphasizes the assertive quality in this cohesive and powerful statement of Aboriginal tradition. The work was exhibited at the XVIII Bienal de Sao Paulo in 1983 and is now in the collection of the National Museum of Australia. While painting Yumari, important discussions were taking place at Papunya concerning the move back to the Pintupi homelands at Kintore. Land rights legislation during the 1970’s returned ownership of the land to its traditional owners and Uta Uta was a strong advocate for resettlement.
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